Sunday May 7 2023

Waking up at 6:30 a.m. for bus call. We all pile into the bus and leave River City.


Today the AC has decided to not work properly. It puts out cold air only when idling and lukewarm air when driving. We just can’t catch a break on tour. And then there’s a leak in the back where the futon is.


While napping I have weird dreams where the Ziploc bag we taped above us gets bigger and bigger then splashes everywhere.


One truck stop after the other – mostly Love’s but sometimes a Pilot or T&A. Napping. Working at the computer. Bob drives us the whole day all the way through the great plains of Kansas.



At some point late at night we arrive at our Air BnB in Colorado Springs! For some reason the cleaning crew is still here, a Mexican family with all their kids helping and everything. They’re super nice and apologetic though.


We all help get the groceries and organize everything in the kitchen. Cooking immediately...potatoes, eggs, beans, etc.


Sitting out at the fireplace discussing nature plans tomorrow with Jimmy while he smokes a bowl.


Getting settled in – doing laundry.


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