I wake up around noon.
In my dream I am driving my van to go pick up my parents. For some reason I’m going through buildings and malls in sketchy parts of town where along the side are scattered people. A few of them step out in front of my van intentionally and mock me. I keep driving onward knowing they will move when I get closer and they do.
I make hot Oat Bran Cereal with Cinnamon but no Blueberries (I ran out). I drink Immune Defense.
Snow covers the ground outside the house and its beautiful.
Everybody comes over bringing their boogie boards and we go to The Cavalier, an old hotel built in the 1927. There are a few steep hills to slide down. A few employees of the hotel come out and yell at us, telling us to leave claiming it is private property. One of them is very rude to us and calls Rocky names. A fight almost starts. We leave and settle for a hill off the First Colonial Road ramp on I-264. FUN.
My parents are in town and my Mom cooks Chicken and Dumplings with green beans for all of us.
I make snow cream:

I work at China Wok for an hour or so.
Peach Cobbler and a bunch of movies, Wayne’s World, Jurassic Park, Saved!, The Matrix, Big Fish.
There’re a lot of people here at the house. I feel a little reclusive and stay in my room with some Black Currant tea. I read the Bible and a little bit of Notebooks of a Naked Youth.