Saturday October 21 2023

Waking up.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


At Music Makers for a little bit while Jake teaches lessons.


Then, attaching the trailer to my truck. Over off Pleasure House Road a neighbor of Lou’s is giving away a piano – I recruited Chase Davidson and his dad to help move it and gift him with it. We came prepared cause we have to get it down a set of steps and such.

PB&J. Coffee.

Then, helping them move it into their house – I’m really proud of him and happy he’s able to have a real acoustic piano to practice on.


Running errands – stopping at Dick’s Sporting Goods for a referee shirt – hardware store.


Fixing a few things on the bus.


Eggs. Black Beans. Rice. Spinach. English Muffin.


Over at Ringo’s (storage unit) for Bamm Bamm practice. It turns out to only be Josiah and I cause Josh went off grid (he does that sometimes). So him and I jam but also organize some things.


Afterwards, we get invited to Public House for a get together for Anthony’s birthday. James Graves, Allyson, Rusty, and friends are all there. I sip on some brews and entertain ourselves with pool.


Back home. Settling in.

Friday October 20 2023

Waking up after noon.


Cereal. Tea.


Catching up on business.


PB&J Bagel. Coffee.


Running errands! Stopping by Three Ships. Perusing Harbor Freight mainly for a tire gauge adapter for the air compressor (so we can start putting air in the bus tires correctly). Stopping by the warehouse – Nigel has Carson and Carlos helping him pack away the van with Right On gear. Meanwhile, Mike and I work on the tires and organize things. Then, the reggae band comes in for rehearsal.


Target. Kroger.


Mr. Shawarma’s for dinner.

Watching The Fall of the House of Usher (2023).




I walk over to Rebecca’s to catch up on things – she’s been dreadfully sick the past few weeks – her voice barely there.

Thursday October 19 2024

Waking up at 11:30 a.m.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Driving to Norfolk to meet with Addy and this guy Ryan at First Lutheran Church. We’re checking out the sanctuary and the piano with hopes to use it for a recital coming up. Ryan is also a talented organist and shows us the majestic pipe organ in action.


Then, I meet up at Josh Coplon’s apartment to discuss Lava Halloween things and retrieve some tickets. Meanwhile, his puppy chomps at the bit with his toys. Josh is stoked on this new building he’s been working on as a new venue for shows.


Then, at the warehouse helping Nigel and Carson park the trailer and organize some things.


Eggs. Bagel. Chard. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Modern Day Warrior practice.


Beans, Tuna, Spinach Salad, and Garlic Bread.

Watching The Fall of the House of Usher (2023).

Wednesday October 18 2023

Waking up at noon.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


Running errands – groceries at Whole Foods and stuff at Target.


Eggs. Chard. English Muffin. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Staying late after work to transfer the Music Makers phone to a new (old) phone.


Healthy Ramen for dinner.

Watching The Fall of the House of Usher (2023).


Ice Cream.



Tuesday October 17 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Catching up on business and scheduling.


Cleaning the bathroom.


Eggs. Kale. Bagel. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Hanging with Billy, Thomas, and Anna for Modern Day Warrior practice. We work on the Over the Hills song and jam a little.


Back home. Pasta and Salad for dinner.


Working on stuff at the computer.



Monday October 16 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Doing my personal taxes all afternoon!


Eggs. English Muffin. Kale. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Protein Shake.


Finishing up my personal taxes – I swear it seems more complicated every year. This particular time my income looks pathetic considering I’m still owed so much money from ELO for 2022.


Black Beans, Rice, Salad, Tuna, and Garlic Bread.


Strawberry Ice Cream.


Catching up on business and chores – taking care of Elvis.

Sunday October 15 2023

Waking up at 11 a.m.


Cereal. Tea.


At Music Makers coaching 3 band rehearsals with lunch in between. No Rebecca today but Jake still lends a hand on the drumming side of things.


Lunch somewhere in between.




Pasta and Salad for dinner.

Watching The Burial (2023).


Finally getting around to finishing the business taxes – I filed for a deadline back in the Spring.

Saturday October 14 2023

Today is all encompassed with the Modern Day Warrior show at Smartmouth in Norfolk.


I drove the tour bus with Anna, Billy, and Thomas in tow along with all the gear.


The set up gets a bit stressful cause I have to improvise with some cables. But after they go on the band just naturally rocks the stage like pros – everything is performed with ease and amazement. The cavernous room makes everything seem loud. New t-shirts and merch are a big hit.


Loading up and packing up.


Back at the studio unloading and getting help from Anna and Thomas. I stick around getting everything back in place for tomorrow’s rehearsals.


At home finally. Relaxing and catching up on things and chores.


Friday October 13 2023

Waking up around 12:30 p.m.


Cereal. Tea.


Catching up on business.


Organizing some things at Music Makers – the renter guys come in to use 104.


Eggs. English Muffin. Kale. Coffee.


Driving the bus to the warehouse to attempt to check the tire pressure and do other various things.


Then, at Music Makers packing and organizing all the gear in preparation for the Modern Day Warrior show tomorrow. Meanwhile, Megan helps me organize their new shirts. Thomas, Anna, and Billy practice a few songs and goof off.


Pasta and Salad for dinner.

Watching 1922 (2017).



Thursday October 12 2023


Waking up a little before noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Catching up on business.


Eggs. Veggies. Bagel. Coffee. Chips.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Out in Norfolk for the Ladada show. We’re playing with Superfang and Timothy Eerie. It’s a fun show with a good amount of people here. Drew, Ana’s guy, is here actually running sound. But we’re cool – and he’s a fan of the band.

Afterwards, we all migrate over to Taphouse for Karaoke Night and it’s a wild one for sure. It’s packed. Ronnie Talman is deejaying. Seeing lots of friends and mingling. Everybody sings all the hits including Killing in the Name, which gets interrupted with a gay man mooning the crowd and twerking. But it’s a good time. I get up to do Mr. Brightside.


Back home, the Timothy Eerie band is crashing in the living room. So I get them situated.


Wednesday October 11 2023

Waking up around noon.


Cereal. Tea.


Catching up on computer business.


Running errands.


Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Chips. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Hearty Ramen for dinner with Garlic Bread.


Wes and I ride out to Ladada practice – we’ve got a show tomorrow so we run through a set that we’re all very pleased with. Bobby is fresh off the boat from last show and killing it on the kit.





Tuesday October 10 2023

Waking up around 11:45 a.m.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Staying home to get some tax work done at the computer and chores.


Eggs. Spinach. English Muffins. Salt n Vinegar Chips. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Modern Day Warrior band practice – I try to keep these kids productive.


Then, immediately after hanging with Josiah and Wes for a low key Ladada practice in the 104 space. Bobby couldn’t make it out cause his dad went into the ER. But we chow down on pizza and beer – running through the set and chatting about life.


Back home. Feeling exhausted. Taking care of Elvis and watching movies.

Monday October 9 2023

Waking up around 11:45 a.m.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


At the Rec working out.



Eggs. Vegan Breakfast Sausage. Spinach. Bagel. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Grabbing some Mr. Shawarma’s with Mike.


Then, at the warehouse Nigel is trying get these new renters set up in the live room. Meanwhile, Mike and I mess with this air compressor along with organizing little things here and there.


Catching up on business back home.


Ice Cream. Green Tea. Popcorn.

Sunday October 8 2023

Waking up around 11 a.m.


Cereal. Tea.


At Music Makers coaching MMLIVE bands all afternoon alongside Rebecca and Jake.


Eating a PB&J with a Coffee somewhere in there.


Cleaning up the studio.


Black Beans, Kale, Carrots, Eggs, Quinoa, and English Muffins.

Watching BlacKkKlansman (2018).


Ice Cream.


Catching up on business.


Popcorn. Chores.

Saturday October 7 2023


Waking up like normal. Breakfast Bar. Tea.


Opening up Music Makers – handling a few front desk things.


Then, off to Norfolk. At Hunter House Victorian Museum. Brittany recruited Rebecca and I to help be narrators along with a group of others. We’re supposed to lead tours through different rooms in the house reciting Edgar Allan Poe stories and poems. It’s a kind of unique gig for me – requires a lot of voice acting and reading with really good diction. Each scene has people acting out the stories too so it becomes an immersive experience for the guided tour groups.



It’s an all day and night thing as we take turns as narrators. In between snacking in the kitchen and talking. The last scene is always the coolest with The Cask of Amontillado. They do the whole thing with the brick wall – for some reason it gets a few good laughs.



We all chip in to clean up and organize all the props and things. Then, having a good time at Cogan’s Pizza.


Friday October 6 2023


Waking up around noon.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


Packing up the truck with all the music gear.


At Smartmouth at the beach setting up by the garage door getting ready for the solo gig as myself, but it’s essentially Musicplayer with a few special guests. I had Megan and Chase sing and play a few songs with me to give it some variety.



A lot of work in packing everything up as it always is – then unloading back to the studio and organizing it all.


Back home. Relaxing with Elvis – eating a Salad and a Pizza. My body is gonna be sore tomorrow but it was still a fulfilling night.

Thursday October 5 2023

Waking up around 11:45 a.m. feeling well rested.


Cereal. Tea.


Doing a few chores and errands. Picking up my car from getting an oil change. Cleaning some vents at Music Makers.


Eggs. Kale. Bagel. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.

Afterwards, rehearsing some songs with Megan – she’s really stepped up on the bass.


Home. Taking care of Elvis things.


Dinner: Ramen with all the fixings and Garlic Bread.

Watching Atlanta.


Practicing songs at the studio then packing up all the gear.


Corn Chips.


Playing with Elvis.

Wednesday October 4 2023

Waking up bright and early at 8 a.m.


Elvis has a vet visit today (not his favorite thing to do) – he’s been urinating red in the litter box. The vet there, Jenny, keeps me at ease cause honestly I’ve been very worried.


I grab some Oatmeal and Tea from home while I wait.


Turns out Elvis has two bladder stones – fingers crossed they’re the kind that can go away with a prescription diet. But we’ll see.


Talking with Mike for a bit outside about the tour bus.


Running errands via bike – getting groceries – dropping off my car.


Eggs. Kale. Carrots. English Muffin. Salt n Vinegar Chips. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Afterwards, Megan and I rehearse some of my solo songs – she’s gonna be guest starring at the gig Friday on bass and voice. Rebecca steps in too for a few tunes.



Back home. Pasta for dinner.

Watching Atlanta.

Tuesday October 3 2023

Waking up at 11:55 a.m.


Cereal. Tea.


Catching up on business.


PB&J Bagel. Chips. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Helping Modern Day Warrior a little bit with their practice.

Running a few late night errands.


Black Beans, Tuna, Kale, Carrots, Quinoa, and Garlic Bread.

Watching Atlanta.




At the studio practicing songs.

Monday October 2 2023

Waking up at the usual time.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


At the Rec exercising – getting the blood flowing.


Eggs. Kale. Bagel. Coffee.


At Music Makers teaching lessons.


Then, over at the warehouse installing these new keyless dead bolt locks on the doors. This will make it easier for renters.


Back home. Pasta and Salad for dinner (always with Garlic Bread).

Watching Atlanta.


Fruit and Green Tea.


At the studio practicing some songs on guitar.

Sunday October 1 2023

What a whirlwind of a day of three MMLIVE band rehearsals...


All of them were very productive. Along with Rebecca I had Jake, our new drum instructor, help coach the bands. It was much more smoother having him there.


At some point after everything is over Mike Mosgrove and I grab a bite at Mr. Shawarma’s – discussing ELO band things.


Finally home after 9 or so. Catching up on things at the computer.


Ice Cream.


At the studio again – practicing some piano.



Saturday September 30 2023

Waking up at 11:45 a.m.


Cereal. Tea.


At Music Makers doing some front desk stuff while Jake teaches a couple lessons – rearranging some gear.


Eggs. Vegan Breakfast Sausage. Spinach. English Muffin. Coffee.


At the warehouse meeting with a new tenant, Zach, to start officially renting out the office room. I’ve got to move a bunch of file cabinets out of there.


Then, meeting with Megan at Music Makers to practice some songs she’ll be singing and playing bass with me on at an upcoming gig.


Fried Rice with Quinoa, Kale, Carrots, Tuna, and Garlic Bread.

Watching Reptile (2023).


Back at the studio rearranging things.


Friday September 29 2023

Waking up around noon.


Cereal. Tea.


Over at the warehouse Nigel and Kevin are rearranging the live room for rentals. Ron and I help organize and move things around. Then, we have a business meeting discussing travel plans for the upcoming shows.


Running errands. Helping Allyson at Music Makers decorate for Halloween.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Coffee.

Watching The Flash (2023).


While riding my bike to Whole Foods I notice Ana getting ready to leave in the parking lot. I’m sure she notices me but she ignores me as I give a wave. Then, as I walk into the store I can hear the song, “Don’t Speak” start up on the radio. How timely is that? We used to sing that song together. I’ve honestly been trying to move on I really have – but it’s moments like this that get me jostled.


Back home. Making Pasta and Salad for dinner.

Watching Reptile (2023).


Catching up on business.


Practicing songs at the studio.



Thursday September 28 2023

Waking up around 11:50 a.m.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Business at the computer.


Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Running errands and planning.


Tuna and Black Beans. Quinoa. Kale. Carrots. Garlic Bread.

Watching The Flash (2023).




Sending MMLIVE emails.


At the studio practicing songs on guitar – prepping for a gig next week.


Popcorn. Pineapple.

Wednesday September 27 2023

Waking up around 11:35 a.m.


Cereal. Tea.


Over at the warehouse organizing gear around.


Grabbing groceries.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Practicing – getting a set list together.


Pasta with Salad and Garlic Bread.

Watching Guy Ritchie’s The Covenant (2023).


Organizing photos – catching up on business.


Ice Cream. Green Tea.

Tuesday September 26 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Catching up on business.


At the studio doing some afternoon practicing.


Egg Sandwich. Salt n Vinegar Chips. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Modern Day Warrior practice – trying to steer the band in learning a few new songs for their next gig.


Black Bean Chili with Baby Broccoli, Carrots, Quinoa, and Garlic Bread.


Catching up on business.



Monday September 25 2023

Waking up around 11:45 a.m.


Cereal. Tea.


Staying home and catching up on business and communications.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Afterwards, having some real talk with Rebecca about ELO business, money, and other misunderstandings.


Fried Rice with Peas, Baby Broccoli, and Carrots.


Ice Cream.


At the studio practicing piano.



Sunday September 24 2023

Waking up around 11:30 a.m. from a well rested sleep.


Rebecca and I have to get out to the Hunter House Victorian Museum in Norfolk. They’re rehearsing this Edgar Allan Poe walkthrough that Brittany asked us to volunteer for. Her, I, and a few others are going to be narrators – reciting some of the poetry and escorting groups of people.


This place is really cool – lots of rooms and old things on display. There’s a camera guy here filming some of the scenes but we mainly sort out some of the details.


PB&J. Coffee.


Back in Hilltop – running grocery errands.




Lentil Chili with Salad, Egg, and English Muffin.

Watching Atlanta.


Catching up on things at the computer.

Saturday September 23 2023

Waking up earlier than I’d like but today’s a big day!


At The Sandler Center loading in and setting up for the big show tonight.


Many stressful moments trying to figure out the best system to get Modern Day Warrior sound checked and all that. Leon isn’t getting in till later so we have to shuffle around what we’re doing. There’s a lot of anticipation for tonight it being a local show and all the promotion and advertising that went into it.


I’m literally running from one point to another dealing with all the little things – making sure the phone camera is set up – keyboard rig – making sure all the kids have their stuff in order.


Modern Day Warrior opens up the show with their “Separate Ways” banger – the house is full and really hype for them. I’m like a proud dad for this band. They really brought the energy and talent to the big stage.



Then, The American ELO gets up there and we do a pretty flawless performance. John Terrell really gave the live vocals a boost so it sounds great.



Doing the meet and greet out by merch. A lot of our people were here to see us. Signing autographs and taking pictures like rock stars.


Afterwards, getting everything packed up on the stage. Trailer is packed. I gather my things and leave. My aunt Pansy and Peter got stranded somehow outside the venue – her phone died and they couldn’t call an Uber. So I help get them home. Thankfully enjoying a slice of Pizza from nearby.


Getting rid of gear at the studio and clearing out the 104 space for ballet things tomorrow.


Friday September 22 2023

Waking up “dark” and early at 6:30 a.m.


Linking up at the warehouse with the ELO crew. Making sure we got everything packed up in the trailer and hooking it up to the van. With Carlos, Carson, Kevin, Nigel, Nancy, and this new guy Patrick.


We pile in. I take a decent nap after eating a breakfast bar. About 3 hours later we arrive at Capital One Hall in Tysons, Virginia.


Loading everything in and setting up the stage. We got here so early so there’s no stress. There’s so many venue people too.



PB&J and Coffee.


Sound check goes mostly well. Replacing a frayed xlr cable on Leon’s drums – replacing Ron’s pedal board with the spare – fixing frequencies on mics, etc.


Rebecca and I ride the elevator to the 11th floor where the Starr Hill Brewery is – grabbing some quick food – meanwhile, there’s like a thousand people hanging around on this top level. Making our way to Wegman’s down on street level and enjoying some desserts with Ron, Mike, and Leon.


Doing the show – it’s been about three months since our last show so everything feels hype and fresh. It’s a really great show.



Packing up and loading out. We’re all eager to hit the road cause the sooner we get home the better. I take the wheel of the van/trailer and drive us through the nasty rain and wind – it takes about 3.5 hours to get home.


I’m so exhausted after arriving home.


Thursday September 21 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


At the Rec exercising – meanwhile, dealing with communication through text.


Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Vegan Breakfast Sausage. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Mr. Shawarma’s for dinner.


Then Modern Day Warrior practice. They’re a little wired and tense tonight but they get through it – last rehearsal before the big show on Saturday.


Over at the warehouse packing up and loading up the ELO trailer. It’s been a while since I’ve done this pack but I figure it out.


Back home. Cleaning up the kitchen and prepping – taking out the recycle – chores.


Popcorn and Fruit.


Semi-packing up for the day trip to DC tomorrow.

Wednesday September 20 2023

Waking up around noon.


Cereal. Tea.


Catching up on business.


Running errands on my bike.


PB&J Bagel. Coffee.


Teaching lessons.


Then, biking out to The Bunker for a show. It’s crazy how many times I’ve been here in the past few weeks. I blame it on Josh for booking some cool bands lately. Tonight I’m filling in on bass with Elliott’s band Obscure Son. We open up right at 7. It’s quite a crowd too, mostly fans of Of Montreal, which later on they really bring the entertainment. A few dancers come up with many costume changes and a decent light show. It’s a good time – drinking and dancing with friends. It’s weird cause I run into so many random people – an old high school friend Richard who talks about how he still has this button he keeps on his bag that I gave him – Brad the guy who built my piano shell for ELO – and the usual crowd. Sasha made it out too – it’s always good to see her.



Back home. Settling down and catching up on stuff.