DREAM: About to go on tour. I’m driving an absurdly tall monster truck van—Jeremy Smith, the lead singer of Day’s Difference, and another guy are with me. Pulling into the parking lot of a shopping plaza. It’s difficult to see people walking around—I almost hit some of them—being cautious and rolling down the window to get a better view of what’s in front of me. Struggling to attach the trailer to the van. The trailer tumbled over when we made a turn so I have to retrieve it now. Jeremy and the other guy go inside one of the stores, where an all-black church service is in progress. Coming back inside to get the dudes. There was an explosion of some kind during the service. Thinking the black preacher caused this from speaking a powerful sermon. Jeremy is covered in this white powder along with a few others. Me and the other guy try to lift him up but he’s crippled. A Caucasian man that’s friends with the preacher approaches us and comments on how Jeremy and I are the only white people here. “Usually white people are afraid to be here,” he says. The preacher comes over with a cooler of ice and pulls out bottles of various juices for us as a welcoming gift. Suddenly, I become really thirsty in the dream, which bleeds over to when I wake up.
5 p.m. waking up.
Breakfast: Toasted English Muffin with Butter and Blackberry Jam. Orange Juice. Zinc, Vitamin E.
Thrift Store, Kmart, Target, Big Lots.
I found out Big Lots is closing in January. This is sad news. I’ll have to find another place for cheap toilet paper.
Lunch: Egg Salad Sandwich with Tomato. Salt n Vinegar Chips. Honey Green Tea. Grapes.
Watching Killer at Large: Why Obesity is America’s Greatest Threat [2008].
Looking for rideshares online for my trip to Florida at Christmas.
Art got a new haircut from Becca. “Art, I didn’t realize it was you. It looks cool. Typical Russian haircut.”
Roma informs me that he has reason to believe fleas are the cause of our itchy ankles and red marks. He’s seen them jumping in various places around the house. Thanks Ambrotious, for leaving your flea eggs everywhere.
Putting down a mixture of Baking Soda, Salt, and Lemon Juice on the carpet and couches. This seems to be the popular solution on the internet.
Stretching. Crunches.
Eating a Banana and a Pumpkin Whoopie Pie.
Dumpster Diving at Trader Joe’s.
The finds: Tilapia, Salmon, Turkey Slices, Misc Bread, Broccoli, Asparagus, Clementines, Bananas, Blackberries, Apples, Pears, Potatoes, Carrot Juice, Peppers, Yogurt, Spinach, Croutons, Tons of various Chicken Meals, Cookies, Dark Chocolate, and Bag of Pizza Dough.
This past week my dives have been very fruitful—an abundance of food recovered. Most of it I’ve left on the porch free for the taking. Through Craigslist I’ve been receiving a lot of emails from families and individuals in dire need of food—they respond with such thankfulness. It makes me feel good to know I’m helping people. There’s nothing like the power of benevolence.
Here’s one of the emails: “So i have no idea who you are or what your story is, but I wanted to thank you for your kindness to people because so few people would show any consideration to fellow man. I'm sure that wasn't just things you had laying around. I hope you are blessed tenfold. Have a great day and a wonderful holiday season.
I am some sort of Food Angel. May you never go hungry.
Dinner: Chicken Vegetable and Potato Soup (made by Jamil). Garlic Bread.
Watching Gang Tapes [2001].
Practicing songs at the storage unit.
Arriving back home. There’s a lady on the porch gathering the last of all the food. And now all of it is gone, within two hours after posting an ad.
Eating a small bowl of Cherrios with Brown Sugar.
Finishing Gang Tapes.
Sleep 8:45 a.m.