Waking up around 12:15 p.m.
Strawberry Honey Bunches of Oats with Almond Milk.
Egg Sandwich with Tomato and Mayo. Black Bean Quinoa Flax Seed Tortilla Chips with Salsa and Hummus. Milk Chocolate.
Watching Man of Steel (2013).
At the Rec Center after it was closed for two days in a row. I haven't had the opportunity to play basketball in a long time it feels like. But today is my lucky day. After lifting weights in the fitness room I join in on some pickup games in the gym.
Fuji Apple.
Ana is waiting for me at home. She drives us to this art show at Zeke's off Norfolk Avenue, near the oceanfront. I've driven by this place many times but never been inside. Ana's friend Victoria works here. An artist named Igor has a collection of custom-made signs hung up around the room. I try a five-dollar cup of gourmet Coffee (Peru Blend), pricey but worth it. Stephanie and Leisa show up. I meet one of the owners, Nick, who is Victoria's boyfriend. I mention the idea of doing acoustic shows or Show N Tells here. He's enthused about the idea. We don't stay long, just enough to talk a little bit and enjoy the homey atmosphere.
On the drive back to the house I mention to Ana how I feel obligated to stay living in Virginia Beach in order to maintain the music and arts community. This was the whole reason for starting the Show N Tells at 1623 years ago. Local coffee shops like Zeke's are crucial for that reason too.
I pull out the guitar to work out Ana and I's rendition of "You Are My Sunshine". She's still got a sickly cough; we think it might be whooping cough. Despite she's still able to sing with heart. The caffeine is running through my bloodstream and making me all jittery. At some point we have to stop. She leaves.
Spinach and Arugula Mix with Carrots, Dried Cranberries, and Balsamic Honey Dressing. Leftover Salmon and Rice.
Finishing the Superman movie.
Heavy research.
Sleep 4 a.m.
[i] Zeke's. Image taken by Nick Vitale.