Tuesday July 25 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Running errands. Dismantling this heavy ass shelf at the storage unit.


Eggs. Kale. Biscuits. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Afterwards, talking with Rebecca in depth about ELO and other things. She’s been in a very pessimistic and hopeless state the past few weeks. I’ve found it really hard to help ring her out of it but most things involving the band are out of my control.


Black Beans, Brown Rice, Veggies, and Garlic Bread.

Watching They Cloned Tyrone (2023).


Back at the studio late at night trying to record some harmonies – mostly just tossing around ideas cause my voice seems to be going out.


Home. Playing with Elvis.

Monday July 24 2023

Waking up at 11:25 a.m.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


Rebecca and I ride out to Nigel’s house for a meeting with him, us, Casey, and Ron to discuss all the money issues in the band and all get on the same page. I think this was important and somewhat productive. We still don’t really arrive at any immediate solutions to help with the band debt owed to all of us. But Ron and I are gonna be stepping in to offer consulting.


I drive the bus from Nigel’s to my neighborhood.


Running some errands.


Eggs. English Muffins. Spinach. Salt n Vinegar Chips. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


At the warehouse doing a few things and troubleshooting the electrical on the trailer connected to my truck.


Pasta for dinner.

Watching They Cloned Tyrone (2023).

Sunday July 23 2023

Waking up super late.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Catching up on business.


Running errands – grabbing a load from the storage unit – slowly adding all the Broadway and personal stuff to Taha’s old bedroom.


Eggs. Spinach. Biscuits. Coffee.


Shopping for a few things at Target.


At Music Makers holing up in the drum room recording some harmony tracks for Ladada songs.


Black Beans, Salmon, Kale, Carrots, Celery, Brown Rice, and Garlic Bread.

Watching They Cloned Tyrone (2023).



Saturday July 22 2023

Waking up around noon.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


At Music Makers I meet with a lady named Jordan Garrett, a potential new teacher. We get to know each other a little bit and talk about Music Makers and everything that goes on. Super knowledgeable and passes the vibe check.


Catching up on some business.


Running errands.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Blueberry Muffin. Coffee.


I drive out to the Norfolk Smartmouth for Norfolk Day. A few of my friend’s bands are playing: Pet Name, The Lazy Dangers, and Ana’s solo project Grass Maiden. It’s nice hanging with friends I don’t always get to see. Aaron’s working the beer counter and slings some beers Josiah and I’s way. Grabbing a dog from Ghost Kitchen.


Back home. Organizing things.


Chilling in the living room. I end up falling asleep on the couch while Elvis knocks his mouse feeders around.

Friday July 21 2023

Waking up around noon after dreaming of dirty toilets.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Driving over to Nigel’s. Ron and I meet with him briefly to discuss some finance changes and other issues in the band. Then Ron gives me a lift to pick up the bus.


Eggs. Spinach. Salt n Vinegar Chips. English Muffin. Coffee.


The rest of the day is cleaning day! I take on the downstairs and upstairs bathroom – cleaning the toilets, shower, and sink. Then, doing another load from the storage unit.


Pasta for dinner.

Watching Avatar: The Way of Water (2022).


Organizing. Playing with Elvis.

Thursday July 20 2023

Waking up around noon.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


Errands – grabbing a load from the storage unit. In the process of clearing out the Broadway unit and making use of Taha’s old bedroom for everything.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Back at the storage unit. The biggest issue is I keep finding rat droppings everywhere, even on the shelves. It’s really gross.


Back home. Unloading things.


Hearty Ramen Dinner.

Watching Reality (2023).


Organizing more things.

Wednesday July 19 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Running errands. Dropping by the trailer place to inspect the truck for potentially pulling the trailer with it temporarily. Then, picking up some premature checks from Nigel’s house. I catch him in the middle of a hold on a phone call with the phone people to ask about replacing his phone.


Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


There’s been a lot of financial unrest as of late, and especially within the ELO band. We’re trying to plan a meeting later in the week to address these issues.


Black Beans, Salmon, Kale, Carrots, Brown Rice, and Garlic Bread.

Finishing the show Beef (2023).


Cleaning and organizing.

Tuesday July 18 2023

Waking up. Cereal and Tea.


Running errands.


Eggs. Bagel. Salad. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Afterwards, deep discussions with Rebecca about ELO drama and her mom’s health issues.


Home. Making Pasta for dinner.

Watching Beef (2023).


Catching up on business and chores. Playing with Elvis.

Monday July 17 2023

Waking up around 11:30 a.m.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Catching up on business and scheduling.


Allyson is sick today so I come in to work the front desk at Music Makers – I only had one lesson anyway and just moved it.


PB&J. Coffee.


After work, I drive the bus over to the truck fleet shop. On the way I witness the most beautiful and unique sunset I’ve ever seen. It looks like one of those 80’s sunburst pictures.


I recruit Roxanne to give me a ride. We stop by Mr. Shawarma’s for a quick dinner, as a favor. We talk about negativity in life and how to combat it. She’s been living out of her van during the week. It’s been kind of cool hanging with her the few times I have.


Back home. A lot of cleaning and organizing ensues – mainly in Taha’s old bedroom. Downstairs I reorganize the living room to make room for his black futon couch. Ana’s boxes of stuff had to move also. It really opens it up in here.

Sunday July 16 2023

Waking up off and on throughout the morning on the tour bus – every now and then I shake around – bob and weave while Bob is rocking the steering wheel sweeping through the windy roads of our route back home.


We eventually arrive at the warehouse in VB – unloading the trailer and saying our goodbyes. I drive the bus back home – lugging all the crap back inside. I’m happy to see Elvis.


Cereal. Coffee.


Catching up on chores and computer stuff.


Cleaning out the bus.


Eggs. Greens. Bagel. Tea.


Running errands.


Homemade Ramen for dinner.

Watching Beef (2023)




Sleep early tonight.


Saturday July 15 2023

9 a.m. bus call this morning. Leaving Lakeside, Ohio. We all pile into the bus and van.


Banana and tea. Then napping in the back.


Getting some computer things done.


Arriving at The Murphy Theatre in Wilmington, Ohio. We just played here nine months ago – they loved us so much they booked us again. Loading in and setting up the stage. Only problem today is there isn’t any muscle capable stage hands except for a few helpful older guys.



Sound check goes a little better than yesterday after we ironed out all the kinks.


They feed us a wonderful homemade pasta filled with veggies and chicken.



The first half of the show goes pretty well. But somewhere during intermission Kevin starts losing enthusiasm. Ron and him are talking it out in one of the dressing rooms. Even though he’s been drinking that’s not the root of the problem – it’s a mismanagement of money, mainly how Nigel handles everything.


Somehow we get on the stage for the second set but not without a few hiccups.



The load out and pack takes a bit of extra work on Carlos and I’s part but we get it done with everyone else’s help too. Out in the alley we all bid our farewells cause everyone has an overnight drive tonight.


Attempting to sleep in the back of the bus while Bob drives us through rocky terrain – I think I’m actually getting airtime lol.


Friday July 14 2023


Waking up in a hotel right next to Lake Eerie.


We all pile into the bus and van. Driving into Lakeside Marblehead, a gated community of tightly woven neighborhoods – absolutely beautiful and quaint.


Loading into the Hoover Auditorium – a vast room with giant ceiling fans and a tabernacle feel.


Things are somewhat stressful today cause it’s been a long time since we’ve done an ELO show and the whole system needs to be rewired and lines checked – so everything takes longer than expected. Plus, Nigel wanted us to dress up for sound check to capture some video footage we don’t normally have the opportunity to get.


Walking (and some golf carting) over to Lakeside Hotel, a place built in 1876, for dinner. We ordered ahead of time. They put us at a long family style table.


Then, ice cream from a shop nearby.


We talk to a lady walking her dog – she explains how open the whole area is they have a trust system where nobody uses a bike lock and barely locks their doors.


The show goes pretty well considering how long it’s been.



Carlos and I take the lead on the trailer pack – we get a lot of help from stage hands.


Back at the hotel gathering in the mess hall – sharing snacks on footage.


Thursday July 13 2023


Driving the bus over to the warehouse to link up with the ELO crew. We’ve got a couple shows in Ohio this weekend.


I haven’t slept yet so I crawl into the bottom bunk and attempt to nap through Bob’s driving and all the bumps that make you feel like your liver just popped out. It’s really, really hot in here. Our AC functions perfectly when idling but not when driving whatsoever. We’ve all got fans galore running and sweating profusely.


One Sheetz stop after another. At one in particular Bob cuts a corner at the pump a little too close to someone’s car and it nicks the side. As much as we love Bob he really doesn’t have spatial awareness with this bus (even without it towing the trailer).


At some point we make it to Lakeside, Ohio at a Quality Inn – right next to Lake Eerie. While Nigel finagles with the front desk to get us checked in I grab some ice cream from a shop next door and scope out the lake with Micah, Ed, and Casey. It’s a stunning body of water. Everyone is watching the sun set right next to a nuclear power plant. Meanwhile, a corgi peaks our interest.



Later on, I drive Ed, Casey, and I to a nice restaurant called JJ’s about 10 minutes out. It’s one of the only places open late and boy did we make the right choice. These plates are to die for along with these peach margaritas.


Back at the hotel – I sip on some green tea and sit on a white lawn chair overlooking Lake Eerie. The stars are bright and the water quietly ripples below the rocks. I can’t help but eavesdrop on the conversation between a guy and girl just nearby (they don’t know I’m even over here cause it’s so dark. He’s going on about how he used to do meth and coke back in the day.



The van/trailer arrives after 2 a.m. Rebecca was with this crew along with Mike, Ron, and Peter. I show Rebecca the stars and we catch up on the events of the day.


Wednesday July 12 2023

Waking up around 11:15 a.m.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


At the warehouse meeting with Nigel to get all our gear organized and loaded into trailer. It’s a process but not after I sweat it out.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Meeting with Addy about the future of Music Makers and how we can start offering health insurance /benefits for the teachers.


Back home. Making a quick dinner then packing.


Watching Beef (2023).


Back at the warehouse I’m committed to fixing the trailer pack and figure out the “dream pack” where everything fits snugly and secure.




More packing.

Tuesday July 11 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Catching up on business – doing accounting – running errands.


Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Chips. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Stopping by the stores.


Back home. Roxanne pops by to retrieve her cooler. I show her a tour of the tour bus and help with some ideas on troubleshooting things with her van camper.


Warming up some Eggplant with Tuna and Garlic Bread for dinner.

Watching Beef (2023).



Monday July 10 2023

Waking up.


Cereal. Tea.


Catching up on scheduling and business.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Chips. Coffee.


Teaching lessons.


Protein Shake.


At the warehouse – not having practice – but rather organizing gear and things – making sure we have everything for the tour this coming weekend. Mike and Ron are here – also Rebecca counting merch. I stay pretty late working on things.

Sunday July 9 2023


Waking up. Running errands – buying some things for the cast party today.


We link up at Mount Trashmore but the rain and thunderstorms are menacingly approaching. Regrouping at Apex Entertainment Center in Town Center. The rain falls in dramatic fashion. But we manage to get the pizza and drinks inside. Some axes are thrown. Some “bumper tubes” are crashed into, and pizza is eaten.



Cleaning up things at the studio.


Back home. Ramen for dinner. Meanwhile, Taha is in the process of moving out.


Catching up on things. Relaxing. Snacking. Playing with Elvis.


Saturday July 8 2023

Today is the big day for Music Makers LIVE Broadway. At The Bunker setting up everything under the sun – getting ready for the show.


Anticipation is high. Nerves are up. But the cast is ready to go! I’m all Doc’d out with a mad scientist wig with Reid acting as Marty McFly. The venue fills out quickly with some people not able to get seats. It’s actually impressive and full of acting energy from all the cast members. Very proud of this show.


Spending a lot of time packing up and getting stuff into cars. Roxanne has been a big help. Her and I link up at Pelon’s with Rebecca, Brittany Mahig, Jimmy, and Roxanne’s mom.


Then, packing everything away at the studio.


Relaxing at home.


Friday July 7 2023


Waking up.


Running errands.


At Broadway dress rehearsal at the warehouse. We clean up group numbers and get through the entire show. In between I got a Nothing Bundt Cake to present to Rebecca in front of the whole cast. We incorporated it into intermission with a surprise. There was much rejoicing.


Packing up things.


Afterwards, Rebecca and I grab some Italian for dinner at La Bella Italia. I figured I’d treat her.


Later on, I manage to drop some gear off at The Bunker after they finish their show.


Then, packing up more things at Music Makers in preparation for tomorrow.


Back home. Relaxing and catching up on things.


Thursday July 6 2023


Waking up.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Picking up some gear.


At The Bunker for Broadway tech rehearsal. Working with Edwin and Ian to get all the mics set up and working. Meanwhile, the cast piles in. Sound checking and running the show. It’s a long afternoon but it’s well worth our effort.


Packing up everything cause unfortunately they have another show here tomorrow so we can’t leave things up.


I hightail it over to Elevation 27 where Modern Day Warrior is opening up for this traveling family band called Liliac. Really very proud of them – they sound so professional.


Later on, at Music Makers, Rebecca and Roxanne are printing programs for Broadway. Meanwhile, Thomas is returning the drum set.


Back home – playing with Elvis and talking with Aluan for quite a while about nature vs nurture and cat behavior.


At the warehouse putting together things for Broadway rehearsal tomorrow.


Finally back home for good. Snacking and watching a movie.

Wednesday July 5 2023

Waking up around noon.


Cereal. Tea.


Running errands in the hot sun.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.

Not feeling very enthused lately.


Protein Shake.


Roxanne, who’s in the Broadway show, rides with me to The Bunker to transport some gear and help me set up the big red curtain on the stage.


Meanwhile, Modern Day Warrior is practicing at Music Makers in preparation for their Elevation show.


Back home. Making a hearty Ramen for dinner.


Spending the rest of my night mastering tracks for Broadway, a tedious and time consuming task but I do enjoy it.

Tuesday July 4 2023

Waking up around noon.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


Catching up on business. Working on show prep for Broadway and scheduling.


Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers. Because of July 4th there aren’t many lessons but at least we’re making some money. Cause things have been real thin around here financially.


Back home. Chores.


Dinner: Black Beans with Vegan Hot Dog, Kale, Carrots, Quinoa, and Garlic Bread.

Finishing Dark (2017). Overwhelmed by the twisted time travel themes on this show. I really can’t believe how they were able to tie everything together.


Catching up on work. Playing with Elvis.

Monday July 3 2023

Waking up at 11:30 a.m.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Catching up on business and scheduling.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Coffee. Salt n Vinegar Chips.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Healthy Ramen with Chicken Bone Broth.


Later on, Wes and I ride out to Ladada practice. It’s been 3 months and some change since the last time we linked up in this band – calling it The Great Ladada Reunion of 2023. I don’t even think I opened my bass case at all – instead we have a pow wow with each other and jam for a while. I found the on switch to an organ that’s been sitting here.


Sunday July 2 2023


Waking up at 11:30 a.m.


Cereal. Tea.


At the warehouse for Broadway rehearsal. We’ve got everything ready to go. We perform both acts of the show – pausing in between numbers to make little changes here and there. Overall it’s a smooth run through I’d say. I was nervous about Rebecca and I’s duet but it turned out well.

PB&J and Coffee.


Packing up things and recapping with people.


Cleaning up things and cleaning up myself at the house.


Later, Rebecca and I grab some dinner at Freddy’s off Lynnhaven for burgers, fries, and custard.


Then, at her apartment hanging out on the floor playing with her new kittens – they are very energetic and playful.


After midnight the tour bus arrives from a Right On gig. I have to give Carlos a ride to the warehouse where his car is parked.

Saturday July 1 2023

Waking up at 11 a.m.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Transporting some gear over to the Shorehaven neighborhood where Modern Day Warrior will be playing later. It’s so very hot and I’m baking in the sun as I place amps and keyboards in their positions.


Then, at the warehouse for Broadway rehearsal. I’ve cleaned up everything in here – it’s all nice and ready for us to rehearse our show. I stay as long as I can until 4:30.



Megan rides with me to the gig. The band is already set up mostly. I’ve got Ian Janes here running sound so I don’t have to, which is a huge relief. It’s not as many people as it was last year but the band has a fun time. There was a lot of pressure on Anna to learn guitar parts – and I also had to pick up some slack as well as Megan. Still we managed to make a great show. The tip bucket is full!


Packing up and getting out of there. I drop Megan off. Then, organize all the gear back into place at Music Makers.


Back home. Eating some biscuits and playing with Elvis.

Friday June 30 2023

Waking up around noon.


Granola Cereal with Berries and Almond Milk. Tea.


Catching up on business.


Over at the warehouse I set up things for Broadway rehearsal – vacuuming and marking the stage layout with spike tape.



Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Salt n Vinegar Chips. Coffee.


At Music Makers. Modern Day Warrior practice. Anna is feeling a lot of pressure to learn a bunch of new stuff on guitar but we manage to play through the entire show in preparation for tomorrow.


Ramen with the works and Garlic Bread.


Back at the warehouse finishing the room up – checking the sound system and hanging up the curtain.


Home. Vegging out.

Thursday June 29 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


In the tour bus vacuuming and cleaning up.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Taking the bus over to the warehouse. Carlos is here to retrieve it for a Right On gig. I give him the skinny on everything new with the bus. Of course, there’s a new leak in the back from the A/C. He takes off then I stick around at the warehouse cleaning, organizing, vacuuming everywhere in preparation for Broadway rehearsals this weekend.


Later on, Rebecca shows up to clean the bathroom and take me back home.


Leftover Pad Thai with Salmon, Quinoa, Baby Broccoli, Carrots, and Garlic Bread.

Watching Dark (2017).


Vegging out. Playing with Elvis.

Wednesday June 28 2023

Forcing myself out of bed at 10:45 a.m.


Protein Shake.


At the Princess Anne Rec for adult basketball. It’s one court only today cause of some volleyball camp. I run up and down the courts. Some hotheads get into an argument over the score.

“Less talk more rock!” I shout.


Catching up on business.


Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Afterwards, meeting with Reid and Rebecca. I brought pizza and garlic knots to share. We have to be quick cause Modern Day Warrior has a practice immediately after. I’m trying to keep these kids in shape – most pressure is on Anna cause she has to learn all of Billy’s guitar parts.


Back home. Chores. Playing with Elvis. Watching rollercoaster videos on YouTube.


Picasso Melon.

Tuesday June 27 2023

Waking up at noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Catching up on business.


Cleaning up some things in the tour bus.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Grabbing groceries.


Salmon with Black Beans, Quinoa, Salad, and Garlic Bread.

Watching Dark (2017).


Playing DOOM and vegging out.

Monday June 26 2023

Waking up around noon from really intense dreams.


Protein Shake. Tea.


Catching up on business and scheduling.


Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Afterwards, helping Modern Day Warrior with band practice. They have a gig this weekend they need to prepare for.


Back home. I ordered Bangkok Garden for dinner: Tofu Pad Thai with Broccoli.

Watching Dark (2017).


Playing with Elvis.


Catching up on work.


Playing DOOM.

Sunday June 25 2023

Waking up at noon.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


At Music Makers for Broadway rehearsal – we’re really running the show now. It’s very cool to see all the solos and duets I haven’t seen yet. Everything seems to be going smoothly all things considered.

PB&J. Coffee.


Afterwards, cleaning up.


I make some dinner for myself back home and catch up on a few things.


Later on, Rebecca and I grab some ice cream from Lolly’s. We get deep into conversation about ELO and reflect on some small issues I observed at rehearsals – it gets a little personal but we talk it through.


Back home. Catching up on business and chores.


Playing DOOM.

Saturday June 24 2023

Waking up at noon.


Granola Cereal. Tea.


At Music Makers letting Brittany in to teach a lesson then Broadway rehearsal starts early. I run some errands first – getting groceries at Whole Foods – then back at the studio we run through the show.


Afterwards, I take off to Smartmouth at the oceanfront. Berries, Shagwuf, and Shormey are performing for the Party Wave Fest. It’s great to get out of my routine and just enjoy a show without being the performer. Tristan Stewart is here and other friends I haven’t seen in a while. Its weird cause two of my ex-girlfriends happen to be here, Ana and Margot. Margot has her guy here too, which they seem happily together but she’s friendly with me offering a clove cigarette. Berries and Shagwuf kill it – very impressed with Erwin running sound making all the bands cut through clearly for an outside show. Enjoying pizza and a beer (I had a salad earlier before I left the house).


Later on at the studio color coding mics and organizing a few things.


Back home. Snacking on Popcorn and vegging out.


Playing with Elvis.


Friday June 23 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Mike drives me out to Norfolk to brave the ultimate flood. It’s pouring down rain and all the streets are flooded near the Truck Fleet shop where we need to pick up the bus. Too bad we didn’t bring a canoe. I tough it up and slosh through the water knee deep.



Eggs. Kale. English Muffin. Coffee.


Then, picking up Nigel from Soul Haven Studios and meeting up at his house to go over the rider and stage plot for ELO.


Impromptu, I link up with Elliott and Doug at the old Earth Sound Studios spot in Chesapeake. They’re mixing some You’re Jovian songs. It’s really nice to hang with these guys whom I haven’t seen in ages. We grab a bite to eat at this new restaurant called Neat Bird in the Dollar Tree corporate district – very interesting. We talk about music and movies over chicken sandwiches.


Back home. Spending time with Elvis – playing and feeding. I’ve noticed he’s developed a new play energy.


Thursday June 22 2023

Waking up at noon. Elvis lies in my bed vying for affection.


Granola Cereal. Tea.


Andrew washes/details the truck for me. Meanwhile, I get some work done.


Eggs. Kale. English Muffin. Coffee. Chips.

Watching Dark (2017).


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Shopping for some new toys for Elvis. He’s been in dire need of exercise and playtime. Recently, I’ve been looking for ways to help with that.


Pasta and Salad for dinner.


Catching up on business.


Chores and lounging around.


Wednesday June 21 2023


Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Running errands.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Chips. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Mike Mosgrove stops by – with him and Rebecca talking about ELO things. We haven’t seen him since the last tour.


He and I take the bus to a shop off Ballentine to have the alignment fixed.


Fixing this shelf at the 104 space.


Back home. Making a hearty Ramen dinner.

Watching Dark (2017).


Chores. Playing with Elvis.


Playing DOOM.

Tuesday June 20 2023

Waking up around noon.


Granola Cereal with Banana, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. Tea.


Catching up on business. Running a few errands.



Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Salt n Vinegar Chips. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Stopping by the warehouse then Lowe’s.


Black Beans, Tuna, Kale, Carrots, Quinoa, and Garlic Bread.

Watching Extraction 2 (2023).




Playing with Elvis.