Friday November 30 2018


Waking up at 12:07 p.m. Feels good to sleep in. I feel much better compared to yesterday.

Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Strawberries, Maple Syrup, and Kefir. Guayusa Hibiscus Tea.

Catching up on business – emails – digital organizing on all my devices – planning.

Scrambled Eggs. Beets with Hummus. Sourdough Toast with Vegan Cream Cheese. Green Tea.

I decide to cancel all my in-home lessons cause I don’t feel well enough for teaching. Instead Ana and I practice songs at the studio.

Slurping up some Soup at the house.

Then heading to Auntie’s Tiki Bar off Holland Road. I’m playing with Ladada. We struggle to put together the sound system that was provided to us. It’s like one of those screw in a light bulb jokes – how many band members does it take to put together a sound system? It’s kind of confusing figuring it all out but Doddie, the owner, helps us. This is the first time they’ve had a band here. Sipping on fancy cocktails and snacking on some Fries. Loving the vibe and all of our friends. Felix is here too to celebrate his birthday.


Sleep 3:30 a.m.

[i] Images by me.

Thursday November 29 2018

Waking up with a back ache and overall general achiness in my body.

Granola Bars. Irish Breakfast Tea.

I decide to cancel my lessons for the day and one of the other teachers sub for me.

Running a few errands – picking up something from the post office and stopping by Target. While there I run into Josh Yarborough, an old friend from middle school and high school. We catch up for a little bit by the winter gloves section.

Mom made me a homemade Tomato Soup. I put together an Egg Sandwich and Sourdough Bread to go with.

Relaxing and catching up on things.

Napping in Ana’s bed while she’s at work. Elvis cuddles by my side. We look longingly into each other’s eyes for some time.

Mom makes a big pot of Lentil Vegetable Soup with fresh Basil. It’s a perfect dinner for my sickly body.

I pop a few pain relievers and muster up some energy to join Josiah, Bobby, and Jonnie at Ladada rehearsal. We need to practice for our show tomorrow.

Chamomile Tea with ACV and Corn Chips.

Sleep 3:30 a.m.

Wednesday November 28 2018

Waking up at 11:21 a.m.

Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Strawberries, Maple Syrup, and Kefir. Oolong Tea.

Cutting my hair – catching up on business.

Grilled PB&J on Sourdough. Plantain Chips. Coffee.

Watching I, Tonya (2017).

Teaching lessons at Music Makers.

After seeing the doctor today my mom brings good news about the crazy cyst in her neck – turns out from what we know so far it may be only an infection and not malignant/cancerous.

Back home. Making dinner: Tempeh with Onions, Celery, Red Peppers, Broccoli, Carrots, and Jasmine Rice.

Green Tea. Chocolate.

At the studio rehearsing songs with Ana.

Sleep 3:30 a.m.

Tuesday November 27 2018


Being rudely awakened by the lawnmowers in Chanticleer at 8 a.m. It’s not fair that they allow lawn care people to make obnoxious noise this early in the morning.

Granola Bar. Guayusa Tea.

Catching up on business – emails – planning.

Will stops by to retrieve more of his stuff. He’s been in the process of moving into his new house.

Scrambled Eggs. Roasted Potatoes. Toast with Vegan Cream Cheese. Coffee.

Watching I, Tonya (2017).

Teaching lessons at Music Makers.

After work, with mom and Ana at Prosperity Bakery, a brand new bakery Commune just opened up at the oceanfront. We check out the amazing array of baked goods and enjoy slices of Pizza.

Teaching an online lesson.

At the studio with Ana practicing our songs. Everything is very productive.

Sleep 4 a.m.

[i] Image by me.

Monday November 26 2018

Waking up at 10:40 a.m.

Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Strawberries, Maple Syrup, and Almond Milk. Guayusa Tea.

At the Princess Anne Rec for adult basketball. I haven’t been here in a few months cause of cross fit but I had to get some games in. I do pretty well behind the 3-point line.


Scrambled Eggs. Bagel with Butter and Jam. Roasted Potatoes. Coffee.

Watching Mission: Impossible – Fallout (2018).

Teaching lessons at Music Makers.

Back home. Mom and I fix up dinner: leftover Vegetable Soup with Shishito Peppers, Kale, and Quinoa.

Helping mom with some IRS thing – catching up on business.

Chocolate Mouse Cakes and Fruit Tart.

At the studio Ana and I practice our songs in preparation for Saturday’s gig.

Sleep 4 a.m.

Sunday November 25 2018

Waking up at 11:07 a.m.

Granola Bar with Irish Breakfast Tea.

Catching up on business.

At Music Makers. While Lisa and Stacey coach the vocal troupe I clean up and organize.

Scrambled Eggs. Toast with Vegan Cream Cheese and Poppy Seeds. Salt n Vinegar Chips with Avocado. Coffee.

Watching Mission: Impossible – Fallout (2018).

Chores – cleaning.

Running errands – dropping off recycle – buying an actual rain coat and winter gloves.

Back home. Mom gets inspired to make a hearty pot of Vegetable Soup.

At the studio Ana and I practice songs.

Fruit Tart with Almond Milk.

Sleep 3:30 a.m.

Saturday November 24 2018


Waking up at 10:30 a.m. still in the cabin in the mountains. Ana, mom, and I enjoy an Oatmeal and Coffee breakfast and pack up to leave.

“Say the mountains,” I tell them.

“Bye!” Ana says.

“No. See you later! Not goodbye,” mom corrects us.


Feeding turkey to the two black cats out on the porch before we hit the road.

I take the wheel to get us through the difficult steep and winding roads out of the mountains. My 95’ Camry struggles climbing up the hills.

Onward we go making a pit stop in downtown Charlottesville. At the Twisted Branch Tea Bazaar to enjoy a hot lunch and tea.

Smoked Salmon Sandwich with Salad and Hummus Plate.


Downstairs, in Underground-Strange Cargo we browse through an amazing collection of antiques and collectibles – it’s hard to get to a point where you want to leave. The older guy in charge of the place isn’t afraid to tell us all the facts about every single item. I purchase a couple of old LIFE magazine issues and some gifts for people.

Ana takes the last leg of the trip home to Virginia Beach. Elvis is glad to see us. I don’t think he’s ever gone more than 1 day without seeing the three of us so this was a tough absence for him. He clamors by the door as we load our luggage and stuff inside.

Ana and I dress up and attend the 90’s Alternative Dance Party at Charlie’s out in Norfolk. Most of our friends are here. I put on my baggy brown pants I used to wear in high school, some chucks, a long NASCAR shirt, and a flannel tied around my waist. The deejays spin all the hits we remember from that decade. Sipping on Bold Rock Ciders – mingling – dancing.

Settling in back at home. My nose has been runny non-stop since we got back. Ginger Turmeric Tea.

Sleep 3:30 a.m.

[i] Images by me.

Friday November 23 2018


Waking up in a cabin in the middle of the mountains. The view from our window is enough to excite Ana, mom, and I.

Sharing Oatmeal (without cinnamon cause I forgot to bring it) with Maple Syrup, Strawberries, and Almond Milk. Coffee.

Across the street from our cabin is Crabtree Falls with a moderate but steep hiking trail. We drive down there and start our trek. The temperature is somewhere in the 30’s cause our noses are running and fingertips freezing. Only 500 feet and we can catch a wondrous sight of the lower falls. Mom stands there in amazement. She remembers being here many years ago with my late sister, Dana, riding on her back. She starts crying happy tears, feeling so grateful to be here witnessing this beauty of nature. She worries she won’t get the chance to see things like this in her older age anymore.

Because of the strenuous parts of the trail mom only goes to a certain point but Ana and I brave it up to the very top where the sun is shining brightly. This being one of the tallest waterfalls in America it’s quite a sight. Other families and groups of people are enjoying the overlook and feeling the reward of their hard work.

Lunch break ­at the cabin: Peanut Butter Toast. Pineapple with Yogurt. Green Tea.

Afterward, we decide to venture out onto the long and winding mountainous roads in search of an orchard and a store. We spot a pumpkin patch and some grazing black cows with white faces and their calves kicking and running around.

We spot an interesting place called The Tea Room that appears to be a rundown convenience store of some kind. There’s a one armed man working on an old pick-up truck.

“What’d y’all need?”

 He offers to help us out. The lady that runs the store is off for the day. Inside, it looks like an old general country store. We grab a dozen eggs and an onion and try to give him some cash but he refuses and says, “Don’t even worry about it. Merry Christmas!”

As we’re about to leave he walks back to his hut and fills up some bags with more onions, the biggest carrots you’ve ever seen, and a spaghetti squash. What a blessing.

Back at the cabin. Mom puts together a homemade stew using Cabbage, Carrots, and Onions. Hard boiling some eggs to go with and warming up some Rolls. Mother’s Mountain Stew we call it. Sitting around the table loving the atmosphere – candles lit – glasses of Rose Wine.

After dinner Ana and I make a fire in the fire pit with split logs and kindling twigs/leaves. Mom joins us. Between playing some jams on acoustic guitar and the djembe we reflect and share all the things we’re thankful for. Mom talks about how she’s grateful to be here with us having this rejuvenating time and how she feels safe.

These moments here in the mountains and in general are something precious we should hold onto. We will need them later in life.

I drop some water on the fire and we all hole up in the cabin eating pie and watching Won’t You Be My Neighbor? (2018), the Mister Rogers documentary, which has us all tearing up with inspiration and feeling super warm inside.

After mom goes off to bed I sit on the iPad and edit today’s video footage, to which there is a lot of. Later, I encourage Ana and I to sneak downstairs in the lounge room and make love.

[i] Images by me.

Thursday November 22 2018


Waking up at 9:20 a.m. Ana, mom, and I pack up the purple station wagon and hit the road down to Grimseland, North Carolina, about a 2.5 hour drive.


Sharing Granola Bars for breakfast with Irish Breakfast Tea.

Arriving at Aunt Delores’s house for Thanksgiving festivities. Dad’s here too along with Aunt Pansy, Peter, Tammy and her family, Ashley and her little boy, Matthew. Everyone chipped in to bring all the food items like turkey, ham, collard greens, broccoli, mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, etc. And not to mention all the pies – so many pies to choose from: pumpkin, apple, pecan, applesauce cake, seven layer chocolate cake.

The little boy Matthew begs to play outside with the football – he seems to take a liking to me. Later on, we strum the guitar and play the keyboard to familiar sing-a-long tunes.

Meanwhile, the males are lounging in the living room with Fox Sports on the television showing a Cowboys Vs Redskins game. I don’t get to talk to my dad too much but I plan on coming back for Christmas to hang out with just him and I.

Ana, mom, and I have to hit the road again to begin our mountain journey north. Ana takes the wheel first and braves the intricate directions of back roads to get us up through Lynchburg. She gets stressed out too easily when driving at night on unfamiliar terrain.


I take the wheel for the second half. We manage to spot a reindeer (with antlers and everything), a doe (a female deer), and horse/carriage Amish couple.


After 4.5 hours we make it to The Cabins at Crabtree Falls deep in the mountains between Lynchburg and Charlottesville.  I rented us a cabin that fits us perfectly. My car’s transmission barely gets us up the steep hills.

Mom is still struggling with this lump on her lower neck. It’s not as painful as it was the first time she discovered it but it’s still there causing her discomfort and concern. There’s not much we can do until she sees the doctor on Monday with the results from her test. So we try to stay positive.

Sleep at 3 a.m.

[i] Images by me.

Wednesday November 21 2018


Waking up at 11:30 a.m.

Granola Bar. Oolong Tea.

Chores. Dropping off keyboard gear at South Beach for the gig later.

Scrambled Eggs. Sourdough Toast with Vegan Cream Cheese. Popped Chips. Coffee.

Teaching lessons at Music Makers. I’m feeling at my peak performance as a music teacher. The Peanuts song, Linus and Lucy, is the theme song for the afternoon.

Off work. Slurping up some Pad Thai Noodles for dinner.

A New World Record, the ELO tribute band I play in, is performing at South Beach tonight. I never thought we fit a 10-person act on this small stage but we manage to do it successfully. We play our powerhouse set, one hit song after the other. The show was hyped online for the past two weeks – it’s obvious the show was at capacity cause the parking lot is full.

Ana, mom, and I are all running around the house preparing and packing for our trip tomorrow.

Beets and Fruit.

Sleep 3 a.m.

[i] Image by me.

Tuesday November 20 2018


Waking up at 11 a.m.

Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, Maple Syrup, and Almond Milk. Guayusa Tea.

At the Great Neck Rec shooting the basketball around.

Orange. Scrambled Eggs. Bagel with Butter and Jam. Potato Chips. Coffee.

Watching The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018).

Teaching lessons at Music Makers.

Honey Crisp Apple.

Back home. Warming up leftovers: Peas with Couscous, Kale, and Carrots.

Chores – making granola bars – cleaning – prepping.

Pie time.

Reading about origins of Parmesan cheese and how the cacao bean is turned into chocolate.

Chilling with Ana and the cat.

Chamomile Tea.

Sleep 4 a.m.

[i] Image by me.

Monday November 19 2018


Waking up off and on after 9 a.m. but officially at 11:30 a.m.

Mom went off to the doctor early in the morning to get that lump checked out on her neck. She was in incredible pain last night. I just can’t sleep properly cause I’m worrying about her.

Granola, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. Irish Breakfast Tea.

Planning – business – staying in touch with mom while she’s at the doctor.

At Music Makers holding down the schedule and such – then teaching lessons until 8 p.m.

Fuji Apple.

Eating leftover Spaghetti and Kale for dinner.

ELO rehearsal. We’ve added two strings players, cello and violin. Practicing our set for Wednesday’s show.

Back home.

It’s Pie time.

Catching up on stuff – doing dishes – chores.

Chamomile Tea.

Sleep 4 a.m.

[i] Image by me.

Sunday November 18 2018


Waking up at 11:52 a.m.

Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Strawberries, Maple Syrup, and Almond Milk. Guayusa Tea.

Catching up on business.

At Music Makers. Stacie and I coach the Holiday Vocal Troupe. I’m stepping in today cause Lisa is out of town. We introduce Diamond’s original song about flying and it goes over real well.

Peanut Butter Pretzels.

Mom and I grab a bite to eat at Old Beach Tavern and meet with Christy about them hosting our recital in December.


Power napping.

Ana makes a late dinner: Beet Soup with Roasted Vegetables.

Planning our trip to the mountains.

At the studio Ana and I pull up our sleeves and hash out songs – practicing stuff we already know and newer things.

1 a.m. trip to Walmart for Grapes.

Before I drift off to sleep mom knocks on my bedroom door crying about a pain in her lower neck where a lump has formed. I feel so bad cause I know what it’s like to be in pain you can’t do nothing about. I help her rub on some Biofreeze and get her situated in bed. She struggles to get comfortable.


For the rest of the night I can’t get to sleep cause I’m worrying about her.

[i] Images by me.

Saturday November 17 2018


Waking up at 11 a.m.

Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Raspberries, Maple Syrup, and Kefir. Irish Breakfast Tea.

Teaching lessons at Music Makers. My last lesson is a new student, 27 year old Mamoona – just moved here with her husband from Pakistan. She’s always wanted to learn to play an instrument and piano drew her in.


“We’re just like a melting pot here,” I say to mom.

We both recognize there’s something special about the aura here at Music Makers that attracts all kinds of people. The diversity is something I’m proud of.

Scrambled Eggs. Sourdough Toast with Butter and Jam. Cucumber. Coffee.

Watching Fair Game (2010).

Running errands – taking out the recycle – meeting mom at Target to get some household things – Trader Joe’s.

Back home. Mom gives the kitchen floor and cabinets a good clean. Meanwhile, I construct these fingercise cups using polka dot balloons, dried beans, and applesauce cups. The purpose of these is to provide a fun way to help young piano students exercise their fingers.

Dinner: Brown Rice Spaghetti Noodles with Parm, Tomato Sauce, Mushrooms, Onions, Kale, and Naan Bread.

At the studio organizing things. Ana drops by after work to run through a few guitar things.

Chamomile Tea.

Sleep 4 a.m.

[i] Images by me.

Friday November 16 2018

Waking up at 10:30 a.m.

Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Strawberries, Maple Syrup, and Almond Milk. Oolong Tea.


Vega Recovery Shake. Pineapple (for that muscle repair!).

Scrambled Eggs. Roasted Potatoes. Everything Bagel with Butter and Jam. Coffee.

Watching July 22 (2018).

Teaching in-home lessons.

Bosc Pear.

Back home. It’s a triple team effort to get dinner done with Ana and mom. Falafel with Quinoa, Green Beans, Zucchini, Carrots, Tomatoes, Pita Bread, and Yogurt Dill Dip.

Mom regales stories from her trip to the Plaza Bakery to retrieve Crème Horns and Cannolis.

Ana goes off to Charlie’s for a show. Meanwhile, I organize things at the studio.

Sleep 3:30 a.m.

Thursday November 15 2018


Waking up at 10:40 a.m.

Nut and Seed Bar. Irish Breakfast Tea.


Vega Recovery Shake.

Scrambled Eggs. Toast with Butter and Jam. Potato Chips. Coffee.

Watching July 22 (2018).

Teaching lessons at Music Makers.

Donatos Pizza.


Ladada rehearsal. It’s our first practice back together since two weeks. For the past two months we focused on our Halloween Rolling Stones songs. Josiah introduces a new jam.

Chamomile Tea.

Sleep 3:45 a.m.

[i] Image by me.

Wednesday November 14 2018

Waking up at 11:40 a.m.

Leftover Waffle. Oolong Tea.

Catching up on business. Running errands.

Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Strawberries, Maple Syrup, and Almond Milk. Poppy Seed Bagel with Butter and Jam. Coffee.

Teaching lessons at Music Makers.

Back home. Making dinner with mom: Cod Filets with Broccoli, Carrots, Onions, Celery, and Couscous.

Watching July 22 (2018).

Pumpkin Pie Gelato.

Organizing video footage from the last gig – dealing with errors and glitches – venting to Ana about the elusiveness and frustrations with booking gigs.

Sleep 4 a.m.

Tuesday November 13 2018

Waking up at 10:30 a.m.

Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Strawberries, Maple Syrup, and Almond Milk. Guayusa Tea.


Vega Recovery Shake.

Vegan Burger with Tomato and Roasted Potatoes. Cucumber. Coffee.

Watching Outlaw King (2018).

Teaching lessons at Music Makers.

Fuji Apple.

Back home. Leftovers for dinner: Lentil Vegetable Soup with Sourdough Toast.

Teaching an online lesson.

Catching up on business.

Chocolate Chips Cookies.

Practicing guitar aerobics.

Sleep 4 a.m.

Monday November 12 2018

Waking up at 11 a.m.

Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Strawberries, Maple Syrup, and Almond Milk. Irish Breakfast Tea.

At the Great Neck Rec. I woke up too late to attend CrossFit so instead I’m here shooting the basketball around. It’s been a while. I play and win a game of 21 with a couple guys.

Vega Recovery Shake.

Scrambled Eggs. Sourdough Toast with Butter and Jam. Cucumber. Popped Chips. Coffee.

Teaching lessons at Music Makers.

Lentil Vegetable Soup with Everything Bagel.

ELO rehearsal. We’re continuing to work in this new drummer.

Back home. Chilling with the roommates talking about politics and preparing for Will to move out at the end of the month, which is crazy. He’s lived here for I don’t know how long.

Chocolate Chips Cookies.

Ana lies next to me in bed. Fiery desires ensue.

Sleep 3:30 a.m.

Sunday November 11 2018


Waking up at 11:20 a.m. Ana brings Elvis into the room and as per usual he is super affectionate and vying for attention.

Ana makes us Waffles and Coffee.

Catching up on business.

One of my piano students, Neel, just recently sparked interest in drums. I go over to their house and help them get the drum set in order.

At Music Makers, Lisa and Stacie coach a 10 student Holiday Vocal Troupe. I catch a glimpse of “Jingle Bells”, “Carol of the Bells”, and “Silent Night”.

Egg Sandwich on Sourdough Bread. Green Tea.


Ana and I drive to Norfolk. At Café Stella sharing some Masa Cakes and Assam Black Tea – running into Dariel as we usually do almost everywhere we go. We chat about issues with booking shows and such.


Then at the Ladada listening party at the Electroganic warehouse. Josiah rented it out so we could have a small group of friends gather to listen to the new Ladada record, which is aiming to be released February 2019. Evan whiskey on the rocks are being slung in red cups in relation to the single track title “Heaven on the Rocks”. Between each song Josiah provides commentary and insight into the meaning of the songs and general ideas behind them (everything of course is done with a coat of humor). It’s a good time.

ACV Chamomile Tea.

Sleep 3:30 a.m.

[i] Images by me.