Thursday January 23 2014

Note from Ana (Jan 23 2014)[i]

Waking up around 1 p.m.

Sharing breakfast downstairs with Ana: Grapefruit. Honey Bunches of Oats with Almond Milk. Darren doesn't seem to remember much of anything that happened to him the previous night up to a certain point. He apologizes for his obnoxious behavior.

Getting groceries with Ana. We meet up with Elliott at Brother's Pizza for a few slices.

Work at China Wok for a few hours.

When I get home I find a note from Ana sitting on my computer...

"Thank you for letting me stay with you for the past couple of days. We have been spending a lot of time together this week. I'm surprised and happy that you're not exhausted of my presence. I am still happy about the way things are between us. I know that it'll get even better over time. I want to be connected to you on every level. You are an amazing person that I only want to treat well. I care about you a lot. Thank you for everything! < 3 Khrizzia

PS Let's play more music!"

Researching how I can improve my vertical jump.

Cod Fillet. Black Beans, Rice, Baby Broccoli, and a little bit of Chicken Fajita Mix from Darren.

Watching Escape Plan (2013).

Playing guitar.

Honeydew Melon.

Sleep at some late hour.

[i] Image by me.

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