Thursday January 28 2010


11:50am. I wake up a little earlier than usual.

My Dream: I’m riding in the tour van with the Mae guys on this bridge. We just got done doing a show in The Bermuda Triangle (here it wasn’t just a body of water but an island). I observe all these strange occurrences and I try to convince everyone that the island is an anomaly. I point out the floating trees above the water, the blue spherical shield covering the island, and the sudden lightening flashes. Everything about it is surreal.

Breakfast: hot Cinnamon Oat Bran Cereal with Blueberries and Strawberries, Orange Juice, and Zinc and Vitamin E.

I watch Obama’s State of the Union Address on Youtube: an inspiring speech.

I wash clothes.

Lunch: Grilled Cheese with Tomato and Baked Lay’s, Honey Green Tea.

Work at China Wok. I get frustrated because people do not understand the concept of tipping a delivery driver.

Dinner: a piece of cold leftover Pizza, Soybeans, and Carrots with Ranch.

Alex Bailey brings over his paintings to display at Show N Tell tomorrow night.

Band practice with Josh, Chad, and Josiah: productive. We continue to work on this new song as well as other Tokyo songs.

Honey Sunshine cereal.

[i] Emerald Forest, World of Warcraft. Taken from

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