Monday May 15 2023

Waking up super late today at 1 p.m. in the Air BnB. Feels good to sleep in.


Protein Shake. Tea.


I drive the bus with Jimmy, Antwan, Micah, Casey, and Edwin. We venture into the waterfront in Portland to rent some bikes. Then, we locate a spot in Swift Shore Park, a locals only kind of spot for swimming. We end up not needing our bikes much.



Getting our feet and bodies wet in the ice cold water while other kids and families play around us. We watch a couple of brave people climb all the way up the cliff to jump from a diving board. Earlier I took a strong toke from Jimmy that has me completely out of it. I rest on a log holding my head up with my hand till we leave. I can’t really have cognizant conversations with anyone. I plop down on the bunk bed in the bus until we arrive back home.


Everyone is cooking for dinner tonight: Steaks with Mashed Potatoes, Broccoli, Garlic Bread, and Ice Cream. The Mask is playing on the TV while we eat.


It’s crazy how conked out I got this whole day after one hit. At some point later in the night I take the bike out for a ride in the neighborhood. Its pitch black everywhere but this hill feels wonderful against my face.


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