Friday April 8 2022


Waking up shortly after 11 a.m. Lying there listening to the distant sounds of morning people hustling in the hallway – the A/C hums in the background.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


At the Performing Arts Center in Dearborn setting up the stage and getting organized. There’s always so much stuff to do. Sound check. Gaff tape this cord. Set up this camera. Troubleshoot the reason why the piano sounds weird. Recharge the batteries. Make sure the Square is set up at merch.


Chicken with Potatoes and Veggies for the dinner catering tonight.


It’s show time! And right in the middle of the first song my bottom piano cuts out. It’s pointless to even continue on with the set without the piano. So Nigel gets up and distracts the crowd while we figure out what’s going on. I end up just unplugging and plugging the cable and after a loud pop voila! The show continues. Kevin’s voice seems tired tonight too more than usual. And there’s all these weird things that happen. But overall we do our best and the crowd is none the wiser.


Afterwards, we do a meet and greet with the fans out by the merch. Then, breaking down everything on stage – it seems like it takes every last second to clean up.


We all reconvene at the hotel. Jimmy the Greek, Rebecca, and I check out that Gelato place again and bring back a huge gelato crepe to share in the party room where some of us hang for a little bit.


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