Sunday July 31 2022

Waking up a little before noon from emotional dreams about, to be honest, Ana. I remember hitting a point in the dream where we were almost friends again and things were healed.


Breakfast Bar. Tea. Figs.


At Broadway rehearsal at Music Makers. First plan of action is a costume parade so all the cast members can show their costumes to be approved.


Then, we get on with running and cleaning all the group numbers.


PB&J break with Plantain Chips and Coffee.


We go all the way till 6:30 or so.


Cleaning up the rooms and assessing the props and things.


I decide to grab myself some dinner at Pho 79. Enjoying a Tofu Pho with Coffee. I see Ana’s car – cause she’s working at Trader Joe’s. I feel like in past times I might’ve gotten her dinner to-go from here.


Back home. Catching up on business and things around the house. I got Elvis a water fountain and he absolutely loves it – he won’t stop playing in it.


Suddenly, I find Ana sitting on the green chair downstairs with Elvis in her lap. That’s weird cause I just had that dream. She’s just picking up a few things of hers in the living room and spending some time with the cat. She doesn’t stay long enough for us to have any kind of in depth conversation.


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