Saturday July 23 2022


Waking up in our cozy hotel in Moultonborough, New Hampshire.


Nigel gathers the troops and crew to have a meeting – a “Come to Jesus” moment about behavior from last night’s show. The owner of the gig yesterday was ready to cancel our Sunday gig.


Soccer mom van heads out – stopping by a local coffee shop. Then, we drive up the side of a mountain to get to the gig.


Castle in the Clouds. A big event tent in the middle of a field – everything is on an incline – and we’re surrounded by mountains – everything feels like a surreal landscape.



Setting up the stage and sound checking, which always has its fair share of problems.


Feeling exhausted. The catered dinner is really nice: Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans.


Getting on stage at 7:30 p.m. we do our show (without intermission) and by the last three songs we had everyone dancing at the front.



Back at the hotel things get weird, or adventurous I should say. First off we can’t even get into the hotel parking lot cause a gang of cops are arresting some lady. A startling moment happens when I decide to start filming the arrest. One of the cops shines his light at me asking for privacy and the lady starts freaking out.

“Why the f*** are you filming me? Are you f*** serious?”

I didn’t mean to interfere but I’m camera happy.


Later on, we all convene right outside my hotel door. This place is designed a little more old school and communal with all the lawn chairs. Ron has a line of various IPA’s he snagged from the show and has everyone pour cups and taste tests them all. Meanwhile, that gummy I took is starting to kick in. I’m starting to feel high. Everything I say I’m overly conscious of and play a little game with myself attempting to hide that fact. I keep hanging out with Jimmy A., Casey, and Edwin. I pull up the group photos and zoom in on Nigel’s face – it has us in an uproar – dying laughing. Later, we explore the abandoned pool and discover minnows and frogs all over the place.


One of the other guys that’s staying here interacts with Jimmy and I. He explains more of the arrest and how the girl used to be a manager here. He jokes with Jimmy, “You look like a Cheech and Chong kinda guy,” and then goes off on all kinds of stories about Boston. Everything he describes feels like a movie scene in my mind.


After everyone goes off to their rooms I sit in one of the chairs – editing the footage and catching up on writing. Out of nowhere I witness a 15 passenger van with a bunch of people in it zoom across the fence. They slam on the brakes and some guy gets out to check something under the car. Then, they take off.


Meandering in the hotel room – showering and taking care of myself.


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