Sunday July 3 2022

Waking up around noon.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


At the studio. Anna and Megan meet me here to help load the truck and cars with music gear.


We caravan out to a cul-de-sac at the end of Shorehaven Drive. A lady hired Modern Day Warrior to play for their patriotic party. While we’re setting up we’re told we’re gonna get hit with a little rain for a while. So we cover up all the gear with a tent and wait it out in the driveway – throwing the basketball around.


PB&J. Coffee.


At some point we’re able to set up the stage. A small parade of golf carts and trucks make their way down the street. I deejay a few American like tunes like “Born in the USA”. Then, the band gets on. I’m very proud of everyone cause they dealt with a lot of conflicts this time around. Billy was out of town causing Anna to have to learn all of his guitar solos. They were barely able to play all of the songs yesterday at practice. All the adults and kids alike loved the show.


Afterwards, everyone lends a hand to break down everything.


Snacking on the variety of foods – pasta, deviled eggs, lentils, and watermelon.


Back home. Still cleaning out little things in Ana’s old room – taking pictures off the wall, nails, thumbtacks, and vacuuming the closet books. Madelaine already moved some of her things in here. And earlier Rebecca brought over a steam cleaning machine to help clean the carpets.



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