Waking up around 10 a.m.
Stephanie scoops me up at the house and we start our drive
to Richmond for The Vaginasaurs show.
Coffee. Apricots. Figs.
Anytime we take this trip it’s inevitable: Stephanie will
have to pee as soon as we get out of the tunnel. And of course there are no
convenient exits or gas stations nearby, especially once we reach Williamsburg.
It’s at least a five-mile trek off the interstate. We find a quaint little
colonial shopping plaza with a restroom. Afterwards, I start semi-bitching to
her and sarcastically overreacting to the setback.
She responds, “You’re acting like a girl.”
Me: “Um. I’m not the one that had to pee at the most
inconvenient place on the interstate.”
We’re in her brand new Prius, which is getting almost 50
miles per gallon. I feel like we’re in a space pod. Talking here and there
about this and that.
Her: “When you’re not productive it feels like you’re on
drugs or something.”
Me: “I don’t want anyone else to have the upper hand on my
heart right now.”
Snacking on a Peanut Sandwich on Rye Bread.
Coming across at least three different accidents that cause
major traffic.
We arrive at Sarah’s house in Richmond.

Rehearsing through the set in her basement.
Sarah has an appointment so Stef and I ride to Diversity
thrift store and browse for cool finds.
Then we relax at The Village Café off West Grace Street,
right across from the venue.
Hummus Plate and a Dr. Pepper.
Wesley happens to be visiting in Richmond so he stops by.
Babe scoping out the window.

At Strange Matter. Setting up to play. The Vaginasaurs go on
first. I decline to wear the usual dress while playing drums because of the
heat. The green wig will do. We play through our surf garage pop jams and are well
received by the masses it seems.
Drinking down a pitcher offered to us free of charge.
Observing the crowd: summer attire Richmond fiends, cut-off shorts, tattered
T’s, and patched up jean jackets. The other female fronted bands perform after
us, Slutever and Tacocat. It’s a fun show with a successful turnout of kids.

Afterwards, we make friends with the bands and share some
food and drink at the bar.
Scoffing down a Lentil Burger and French Fries at the bar
while Stef and I converse with Lelah, the drummer of Tacocat.
We migrate to Sarah’s house where all the bands are supposed
to be sleeping at. Lelah and I are delegated to go on a beer run. I attempt to
drive Stephanie’s Prius for the first time. It’s an adventure.
Lelah and I return with the beer but move out to the front
porch shortly after. We sit down on the brick steps and share a clove. The
friendly neighborhood cat focuses on a flying insect – jumping and running with
a hunter’s intent. The crickets chirping and other unknown summer creatures
making strange noises. The heat thickening the air. We’re lost in talk –
thoroughly engaged in each other’s stories and thoughts. There’s something in
the way we converse that just clicks and makes the interaction whole. Her life
is in Seattle. Mine in Virginia Beach. Finding similarities in our individual
roles at home. She’s 28. I’m 27. Someone that understands.
Me: “Your drumming was really sexy.”
Throughout the conversation I keep randomly bombarding her
with these compliments. And she reacts gratefully every time with a big smile.
I blurt it out of nowhere...halfway interrupting her...
“I really want to kiss you.”
She pauses and smiles real big...
Her: “I knew you were going to say that.”
Me: “How did you know that? You could probably read it on my
Then...she reaches in and smacks her lips on mine before I
even have the chance to think about it. I lean back but accept the gesture.
I breathe out an, “Oh.”
Her: “Is that okay?”
Me: “Oh yeah. Totally.”
I reach in myself and instigate more kisses.
Her: “I feel like I’m in middle school again.”
Me: “Yeah. Me too.”
Me: “Do you ever think that everything’s scripted...like in
some cosmic way?”
Back in the house, Stephanie and I say our goodbyes to the
group. Lelah gives me her number.
On the drive back to Virginia Beach. I inform Stephanie
about what just went down. She gets almost more excited about it than me.
Her: “Oh my gaaaa! I can’t believe it. You kissed the
drummer of Tacocat. That’s too kewt!”
I feel extremely uplifted and high-spirited while at the
wheel but careful not to blow it up more than its worth. This was a one-time
deal most likely. However I’m not completely closed off to the idea of
something growing.
Me: “I mean, even if nothing comes of this it was a good
Finally back home.
Showering. Settling down.
Sleep 3:30 a.m.
[i] Show flyer
by Gwen Gold.
[ii] The Village
Café. Image by Stephanie.
[iii] Strange
Matter images by me.
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