Saturday March 20 2021


Waking up around noon in the resort hotel in Key Largo, Florida. Our room has a fully functioning kitchen and all the works. Fixing up a quick breakfast: Strawberries and Yogurt, Peanut Butter Toast, and Tea.


The Kokomo song by The Beach Boys will be haunting our minds all day.


Carrying around Ana’s Spanish guitar while we jaunt around the resort in search of cool sights. Pelicans pose on the wooden poles in the harbor looking like statues. Sipping on Nitro Cold Brews and snacking on Donuts near the water. We watch all the tricked out golf carts ride by. It’s totally not a typical scene or type of vacation we would normally be around. But we enjoy ourselves.



Entertaining the bellmen near the front with our newly learned Kokomo song. One of the dudes is actually from Jamaica and pulls out his phone to film us. And on top of that it’s one of the shuttle drivers birthday today so we sing to Juan.


Later on, at the Cultural Center setting up on the outside stage for A New World Record’s final show for this little weeklong tour. The sun glares down on our backs and instruments. We try our best to keep it shaded for sound check.


Dinner is served in the library: Yellowtail Fish with Veggies, Potatoes, Salad, and Key Lime Pie. Absolutely the best dinner we’ve been served all week.


After the sun goes down we perform our ELO set. It’s a near perfect performance and a wonderful finish to the tour. A dancing and jovial crowd develops near the front towards the end of our set. The energy, the solos, the music, all a driving force in this little paradise nook of the world.

Wondrous is our great blue ship that sails around the mighty sun and joy to everyone that rides along!



Afterwards, we all corral in one of the hotel rooms. Ana and I fill up bowls with trail mixes and snacks. It’s important to have a pow wow/recap at the end of the tour. Passing around beers and challenging ourselves with tossing raisins in Ron and Bri’s mouth with a fork, a celebratory moment when we actually achieve our goal!


Ana and I leave the party at some point and settle in – showering and editing video from the day. Eventually, we make fire on the couch.


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