Around 5:40 p.m. I wake up.
Breakfast: Cinnamon Raisin Toast with Butter. Orange Juice. Zinc, Vitamin D.
Picking up Margot from work so she can ride with me to meet my dad in Emporia. She’s concerned about meeting him for the first time because she feels gross, no make-up, and just getting off work. “Margot, I wouldn’t worry about that. I’m sure you’ll impress him.”
Driving—on the phone scheduling while she naps in the passenger seat—about an hour and a half trip.
In Emporia—meeting with my dad and his wife Erika at Arby’s to get the loan documents.
Eating a Fish Sandwich with French Fries.
Margot and Erika sit next to each other—I like that.
She drives us back while I nap in the passenger seat.
Snuggling in her bed—leopard print sheets. “I just shaved my legs! Feel how smooth they are.”
Salt n Vinegar Chips. Honey Green Tea.
I’ve realized that all the cars I’ve ever owned I’ve identified as males rather than females—but really, they’re just extremely high maintenance mechanical asexual pets.
Chocolate Fudge Berger Cookie with a little Milk.
Researching car maintenance.
Kenneth pounds on the door to my room. He’s furious about a cop or some sort of agent that just confronted him at a gas station nearby—being pestered to get his phone number. This sparks an angry introspection on his life and how everything and everyone seems to be against his well-being. I let him rant on as usual while I make dinner and get ready to leave for work.
Dinner: Lentil Soup with Mixed Vegetables and Brown Rice. Garlic Naan Bread.
Newspaper Route.
Old Fashioned Blueberry Donut and Milk from 7-11.
Practicing songs at the storage unit.
Talking with the mechanic at BP Automotive about my van. I decide to pay for repairs and plan to get it up to par in the near future. Unfortunately it needs transmission work, which will be expensive.
At Fedex Kinko’s getting copies of signs to put on the newspaper boxes to prevent people from stealing papers.
At the bank finalizing the loan. I’ve never signed my name so many times in one sitting. She hands me the check. =)
Picking up Margot to take with me in the granting of my new car. She cooks me an Egg, Bacon, and Cheese Sandwich Over Easy—my official fourth meal of the day.
At Liberty Motors signing my name even more. The dog from last time is hopping his front paws on I and Margot’s lap. “He’s got a white beard. He’s got an old man’s soul.”
Finally driving off in my new ride, a Toyota Camry Wagon—a happy customer—my first car purchase—my first loan—my first step into the credit world. Blasting some oldies on the stereo—the daylight is disturbing me—my sleep schedule has been way off this past week. [photo above not actual girl or car.]
Sleep 1:30 p.m.
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