Friday April 14 2023

We arrive in Flint, Michigan after a two hour drive.


Loading in and setting up the stage. Plenty of stage hands to help.


We were prepared for terrible water and a place rabid with crime but this is nothing like what we expected. As I walk around the block to the hotel I pass amazing murals on buildings. A local coffee shop called Krema Café provides steampunk Victorian vibes. Sitting down with Rebecca and Rick discussing some religious things. We’ve really gotten to know Rick a lot on this tour – he’s such an all around pleasant and helpful guy.



The Capitol Theatre is one of the more beautiful venues we’ve played – ceiling twinkling with star lights and a blue hue.



There’s some stress at sound check because they wants us to stop right at 5:00 when we’re used to having until 5:30. They call this a union show cause the workers are union – so they need a blacked out stage. This wasn’t advanced so we have to adapt.


I walk up the street to try out a few savory and sweet crepes from this crepe place and it’s perfect.


Then, getting dressed up and show time!


What an amazing energy from the crowd tonight – their roar every time we finish a song was overwhelming but in a good way.



At the meet and greet it’s always nice to talk to the adoring fans. One lady hand painted a bunch of rocks with our logo on it and gave each of us one.


Packing up and settling back into the hotel, which happens to be only two blocks away


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