Saturday March 25 2017


Waking up at 10:30 a.m.

Honey Crunch n Oats with Banana and Almond Milk.

Teaching afternoon lessons at Music Makers.

Scrambled Eggs. Toast with Non-Dairy Cream Cheese. Potato Chips with Avocado. Oolong Tea.

Watching Rogue One (2016).

Catching up on stuff.

Ana gets off work shortly after 6:30. We head to Norfolk for the Mini Lava Fest at Toast.

I love what’s happening in the music community in Norfolk. Being here amongst all this ambition, creativity, and talent. Josh Whittle points out all the amazing drummers in every band. At some point it almost feels like a drum clinic after watching HAUNTER...

Enjoying a Bean Burrito and Chips with Guac. Sipping on Beers and making our rounds mingling with all our friends.

Ladada’s set goes on longer than we thought. Carnations are thrown around on stage. Our shows aren’t complete without something going wrong with Josiah’s guitar but we press on and play some older tunes that we never practice anymore.

While loading out Josiah realizes he locked his keys inside the van. The next hour is dedicated to prying the door and using a hanger to unlock the door. It’s a tedious task that involved more than enough people. Doug Nicolson somehow has the magic touch and manages to succeed. Good times.

Back home after 3 a.m.

[*] Photo by Alex Justice. 
[†] Images by me. 
[‡] Photos by Jeff Hewitt.

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