Waking up next to her warm naked body…
Sharing a Bagel with Cream Cheese and Orange Juice with Margot.
Chanticleer made everybody in our court park elsewhere so they could re-pave the driveway. Looking out the window, it resembles a painting of a black sea.
Kevin: “I have plenty of integrity. I just misplaced it somewhere.”
We’ve got two couch surfers here from Wisconsin, Jenny and Measha…Hanging out in the living room with Kevin, Dustin, and Lauren. The Steve Wilkos Show on TV.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen this before.”
“Yeah, me either….this is probably one of the most genuine talk shows I’ve seen.”
Lunch: Egg Sandwich with Tomato and Mayonnaise. Honey Oolong Tea.
Today is a sitcom day…
As soon as I say, “Elliott’s on his way with a good time.” We hear a knock at the door, and of course through magical timing he waltzes in. Soon after, Stephanie Lou and Calum make an appearance.
We head to the storage unit in Calum’s blue Volvo station wagon that was born the same year I was born, 1984. There at the unit, running through the song we’ll be performing in the show scene of Nostrum. Calum’s learning the melodies and chords on my little Yamaha synthesizer.
My car is still kaput at the shop so I have to organize getting a ride with the couch surfers and lugging the PA system with Elliott for the show at Kerouac Café in Norfolk.
Performing an acoustic Musicplayer set.
A guy named Wes blows on the harmonica—old blues style…
Miles Hoyle plays an amazing accordion—European two-step…
And Aaron Evans on acoustic guitar—a good diverse combination of musical acts…
There’s a notebook on the mirror coffee table entitled, “Rap Book”—Darren’s on a kick of writing short poems…
I compose my own ode to him…
In the kitchen cooking brown rice to go with my leftover Beer Glazed Black Beans with Onions and Broccoli. A few of us sitting on the floor and some in chairs. Darren takes the soapbox as usual leaving not one dull moment, describing the three near-death experiences he’s had in his lifetime, sharing his blunt ideas about this and that. I find it appropriate to interact in such a manner with him by allowing constructive debates and pointing out the absurdities and logic that lurk behind his brain.
“Darren, have you ever thought about being filmed, like allowing people to film you?”
Enjoying a good wheat beer from Trader Joe’s.
Darren takes Measha and Jenny to the Friend’s School playground. They come back with scratches and sap all over their skin.
Mortal Kombat on the TV…
Sleep sometime after 4 a.m.
1 comment:
You know, you should really start your own restaurant. I love all your food choices. LOL
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