Wednesday September 29 2021

Waking up around noon still feeling like my head is a balloon but a little better than yesterday.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Catching up on business at home. Then, organizing some stuff at the studio.


Scrambled Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Green Tea. Chips.

Watching the documentary about Britney Spears and how her father had 100% ownership of her for many years.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Attempting to find an at home Covid test at Wal-Mart but they are clear out. Not that I think I have it cause I am vaccinated and the symptoms don’t really match.


Back home. Warming up some leftovers for dinner.


Catching up on things – talking with Ana – doing dishes.


Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls.


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