Thursday July 7 2016


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With a group of friends in a new city. We find an old donut shop on a street that goes downhill. While approaching the street turns into a four-lane train track. I figure out a way to slide down the side railings but discover a train on its way up the track. I quickly hop over to the next track just in time to avoid getting run over. A train yard worker discovers what I'm doing and hits a few levers and buttons that moves the railing away from the track and over a steep slope. I hang on for deer life and carefully climb further down. It's understood what I'm doing is against the law. Suddenly I'm riding a kind of magic carpet but it's more like a floating platform. Some guy runs a business of taxiing people around on this thing for a high price, like in the hundreds of thousands. I argue with the guy that I never made the decision to ride with him and he shouldn't be charging for this – I can't even afford to pay him.

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Ana and I are in another house somewhere with a few other people. She's possessed by some kind of hostile spirit. Without thinking I take control and attempt to perform an exorcism. I use the name, "Jesus Christ" multiple times and it seems to be working cause Ana's chest raises slightly. Throughout the night this keeps happening – I keep performing the exorcism but it never seems to get resolved.

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Waking up at 11 a.m.

Grapefruit. Guayusa Tea. Blueberry Pancake.

Taking care of Music Makers business and errands.

Figuring out our options for the business phone at Verizon.

Big day of lessons at Music Makers with mom. She's getting better and better at using the studio software. And I know it's a great role for her to be communicating with parents and students as they walk in.

Getting some groceries at Trader Joe's.

Brown Rice Quinoa Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce, Mushrooms, Onions, and Parmesan Cheese. Kale Green Salad.

Watching State of Grace (1990).

Taking care of music business.

Peach. Cantaloupe.

Sleep 3 a.m.

[i] Image source unknown.

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