Monday July 25 2016


Waking up at 10:15 a.m.

Irish Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Maple Syrup, Raisins, and Kefir. Oolong Tea.

Scheduling and Music Makers business.

Egg Salad Sandwich with Cucumbers and Tomato. Potato Chips. Iced Coffee.

At Music Makers teaching the whole day. During a 30-minute break before my last lesson I tell my mom, "My head is spinning right now." She shares my sentiment. It's a lot more work dealing with parents, scheduling, payment, and other store related business. I need to just focus on teaching. My mom can hold the front down responsibly but sometimes I have to step in for certain technical things. It gets exhausting swinging back and forth from the lesson room to the outside. But really I just need to let go of certain responsibilities and free my burdens up.

Heavy Salad with Broccoli, Carrots, Spinach, Tomatoes, and Cheesy Naan Bread.

I drive out to the NorVa in Norfolk for the Kurt Vile show. Ana's playing bass in You're Jovian but I missed their set. It's a little friend reunion though. All our Norfolk friends are present. I even run into Megan Marker (it's Megan Power now) and her husband. Over a decade ago we used to perform at various local shows. She's looking for piano lessons for her twin boys. She mentions, "We're old now!" And it's true. It's strange watching all your friends from days of yore grow up, have kids, and then hand them over to you to start educating them in music.

Back home. Finishing up some last minute scheduling and studio stuff.

Hang time with Elvis.

Joining Ana in bed. Our hot bodies connect. Making love.

Sleep 3:30 a.m.

[i] Image by me.

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