Sunday January 29 2023

Waking up bright and early at 8:08 a.m. at a hotel in Marion, Illinois.


Banana. Breakfast Bar. Tea.


We’re 11 now in the tour bus with Ron and Mike as additions. They drive the first two shifts. Meanwhile, I catch up on computer stuff. Then nap in the futon in the back.


We stop at a Love’s about 4/5 hours in. Having a few Eggs with Salt n Vinegar Chips, Mango, and Coffee.


The long drive continues! Conversation in the middle rows. Doom scrolling. But for the most part I get lots of stuff done on the computer – tax and scheduling related.


Green Tea. Cookies.


Napping in the back on and off.


The bus eventually makes it to the warehouse. Team effort at getting the trailer parked and unloaded.


I take the bus back to Chanticleer. Earlier, I was informed from my roommates that Elvis got outside from the morning on. This whole time I’ve been stressing about it. Apparently, the new roommate, Michael, left the back door open and he slipped out. Unfortunately, it’s raining big time and it’s late at night – 4 in the morning I’m scouring the back patios and woods in search of Elvis – meowing and calling his name but no luck.


Unpacking and doing everything I can to lure him back – putting his litter box and some food out. I can barely sleep thinking he’s stuck out there in the rain.


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