Saturday January 28 2023


Waking up bright and early at 7 a.m. at a hotel in Des Plaines, Illinois.


Second day in a row I’ve woken up and gone straight to the fitness room.


Then shower. Then free continental breakfast in the lobby. Filling up on Eggs, English Muffin, Yogurt, and Orange Juice.


Casey and Ed take the driving shift for today. I catch up on computer stuff while we all discuss future improvements to the shows and travel arrangements.


Napping in the back.


Snacking on Pita and Hummus, Orange, Salt n Vinegar Chips, and Coffee.


Arriving at The Marion Cultural and Civic Center in Marion, Illinois. We’re running a little behind schedule so we hit it hard setting up the stage and getting everything ready. Running around right and left, front and back. Smooth sound check then dinner!


It’s a Thanksgiving-like food spread: Chicken Poppy Seed Casserole, Shepherd’s Pie, Salad, and Éclair.


Show is just as energetic as the previous two – much taller theater room so sound isn’t spaced out. But I always love seeing the enthusiastic faces in the front rows. One kid’s jaw was dropped the entire time lol.



Packing up and loading out. It’s a mad dash to get everything put away correctly. The venue staff is super helpful while I lead the pack in the trailer.


Back at the hotel a few of us gather at the pool to hang. Nigel is in true comedic form as he goofs off – always putting on a routine for his audience. One shtick involves him eating a cigarette and pretending to pull it out of his butt.


Cleaning out the tour bus a little – organizing all the accumulated bread, deli, and drinks just tossed around in bags – putting them in crates.


Then, finally settling down in the hotel room.


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