Tuesday November 4 2014

Isabel Samaras.[i]

Waking up at 11 a.m.

Honey Crunch n Oats with Strawberries, Almonds, Honey, and Almond Milk.

Putting decal stripes on my car.


Watching Snowpiercer (2013).

Toasted PB&J. Lentil Chips. Honey Green Tea.

I decided to take my own advanced voice lessons from another teacher so I can expand my range and really excel in singing – I really want to get serious about my voice. Cara, somebody I found through Music Makers, teaches professionally and has one of those operatic kind of voices. She comes over for the first lesson. She explains the science behind everything that's happening in the lungs, throat, and larynx. I was kind of nervous at first cause I've never taken personal voice lessons before. The last time I was in any kind of setting like this would be high school chorus. The lesson goes well and I walk away from it feeling like I've gained something.

At Music Makers teaching a couple piano lessons.

At the Rec Center for adult basketball – getting a good workout running up and down the court. A few glory moments (like making countless 3-pointers and jump shots) and a few embarrassing moments occur (like getting pounded in the face by the ball from a pass I wasn't looking for).

Back home.

Chicken Filet, Kale Greens, Carrots, Onions, and Brown Basmati Rice.

Watching Tombstone (1993).


Listening back to my voice lesson – taking notes.

Cinnamon Herb Tea.

Sleep 3:30 a.m.

[i] Isabel Samaras.

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