Friday October 23 2020

Waking up around noon.


Cereal with Strawberries and Almond Milk. Irish Breakfast Tea.


Catching up on business.


Running errands with Ana.


Scrambled Eggs. Toast with Butter and Jam. Coffee (almost until I spilt it!).


Setting up the rehearsal spot for one MMLIVE band rehearsal (the kids band). They’re a handful but it is very productive.


Back home. Ana starts up dinner. I was gonna burn some calories on the basketball courts but it’s too crowded there. Instead, I do some things at Music Makers.


Enjoying dinner that Ana made: Sloppy Jacks, as we like to call them. BBQ Jackfruit and Tempeh with Roasted Potatoes and Cauliflower.


Later on, at the studio Ana and I practice any songs we need to work on in preparation for tomorrow’s gig.


Catching up on things back home.


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