Sunday April 1 2018


Waking up at 10:13 a.m.

Ana made us Pancakes for breakfast with Coffee.

Mom, Ana, and I attend the Sunday morning service at Freedom Fellowship for Easter. The praise and worship portion is always the highlight. Even though I don’t come here often I still feel the familiar sense of community and family. You feel so affected by the heavy spirit in the room. It’s nice to see all people I knew growing up here.

Afterwards, we take a spontaneous detour to an open house nearby off Wolfsnare. A four bedroom with an attached garage. This sort of dream of owning a house one day is not that far off.

For lunch we head over to one of Ana’s aunts apartment on Shore Drive. There’s a nice Filipino spread of Pancit Noodles, Bread, Egg Salad, and Cannolis.

Back home. Ana and I take naps.

Catching up on business.

Taking leftover Black Beans and turning them into Tacos with all the fixings including homemade Guacamole.

“This isn’t poor man’s guac,” I assure them. Often I make what I call poor man’s guac, which includes avocado, tomato, and seasoning.

“It’s rich man’s guac!” Ana exclaims. Cause this time it’s got everything!

Later on, at the studio with Ana practicing songs.

Chamomile Tea. Banana.

Sleep 3 a.m.

[i] Images by me.

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