Saturday January 6 2018


Waking up at 11:08 a.m.

Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Strawberries, Maple Syrup, and Kefir. Irish Breakfast Tea.

Mom and I open up Music Makers for only a few lessons.

Sardines with Mustard. Corn Tortilla Chips with Avocado and Tomato. Sourdough Toast with Vegan Cream Cheese. Oolong Tea.

Finishing Dunkirk (2017).

I ask mom and Ana, “Y’all ready to go on an adventure?”

We all hop in my purple station wagon, now serving as our snow mobile, to trek across Oceana and General Booth. My mom needs to help her friend Reinette, and Ana and I need to exercise at the Princess Anne Rec. Gratefully they are open today. I play a few rounds of pick-up basketball while Ana works out her legs (her right arm is still in a sling).


Then, we take mom to the Farm Fresh to pick up some groceries and meds for Reinette. Enjoying some Pineapple and Coconut Water inside Reinette’s apartment.


Then, back on the road. What would normally take about 10 minutes to get home takes us about 30 minutes. You can’t really go over 25 or 30 miles per hour. Every break and bump in the road feels like you’re driving over potholes. Poor Ana is in the backseat attempting to brace her arm.

Back home. Napping.

With Will, Ana, and mom at Wasserhund Brewing to eat some Pizza, drink Beer, and watch fellow teacher, Joe McMurray, perform.

Back home. Collecting my thoughts. Organizing the bands for MMLIVE starting next weekend while eating Chocolate.

Ana and I hang out with Nest in their room to give a Christmas card. There’s a little tension towards the end of our conversation when we discuss how to divvy up the utility bill fairly after Nest was gone for two weeks. We don’t usually pro-rate the rent when someone goes out of town. Keeping it simple and drawing it down the middle is the best and less tedious option. Either way, we wait to hear Will’s opinion.

Chamomile Tea.

Sleep 3:30 a.m.

[i] Images by me.

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