Monday January 8 2018

Waking up at 10:20 a.m.

Steel Cut Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Strawberries, Maple Syrup, and Kefir. Irish Breakfast Tea.

Basketball at the Rec. Schools are closed again today so they got us running only one court. One of the Rec employees has us doing 4-on-4 games half court so everybody can play without a wait list.

Scrambled Eggs. Potato Chips with Avocado. Toast with Vegan Cream Cheese and Jam. Oolong Tea.

Watching a food documentary series called Rotten (2017).

Teaching lessons at Music Makers. Schools are still closed and even though the roads are drivable we still get cancellations creating a chaotic schedule for mom to bear.

Back home.

Vegetable Fried Rice with Peas and such.

Watching Wind River (2017).

Sipping on a Beer.

Ana’s been going stir crazy having to be home all the time. She still can’t work for at least another week or so, possibly more, until the physical therapist says it’s okay. Her and I take a night drive to Kroger for midnight groceries.

Kitchen chores.

Sleep 3:08 a.m.

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