Friday January 26 2018


Waking up at 11 a.m.

Bowl of Honey Crunch n Oats with Banana, Strawberries, and Almond Milk. Earl Grey Tea.

Catching up on things. At the studio pre-packing up gear for the weekend.

Sardines with Mustard. Sourdough Toast with Butter and Jam. Salt n Vinegar Chips with Avocado. Oolong Tea.

Watching a Foo Fighters documentary.

Teaching a couple in-home lessons then immediately driving out to Newport News for DEJA’s big gig at The Boathouse Live. It’s a special kind of night cause we’re doing our usual tribute songs but also a set of Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall. This place is cavernous and modern – reminds me of some of the venues I used to perform at with MAE back in the day on tour.

Eating a couple slices of okay pizza before we go on.

Then, we do our thing. First hour of tribute songs.

Sipping on a Beer – snacking on Fried Oysters, Southern Greens, and French Fries.

Then, Dark Side of the Moon (just a couple tunes from the album) and the entire Wall with the movie on the big screen (about two hours of music). Mom and Ana are here in support. John goes through the usual ritual of shaving his facial hair and head hair in conjunction with the scene in the movie when Pink shaves. Overall, we performed the heck out of the songs.

Back home after a long night of music. Excited to get some beauty rest before the next day of more music. It’s a giggin’ life for me.

Chamomile Tea.

Sleep 4 a.m.

[i] Images by Visionaries Photography or me.

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