Tuesday July 22 2014

Tintype of Jude Law[i]

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Darren visits some kind of upscale brothel. I stop by on my own accord and use the bathroom. When Darren catches me in the hallway he's surprised to see me.

"The only reason I'm here is because I needed to use the bathroom," I explain.

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Waking up around 12:30 p.m.

Honey Crunch n Oats with Almond Milk.

Vacuuming and cleaning.

Scrambled Eggs. Wheat Toast with Vegan Cream Cheese and Strawberry Jam. Honey Green Tea.

At Music Makers studio to sit in on a couple piano/voice lessons with the current teacher I'll be replacing. I've never taught voice professionally but it's not something I can't handle.

Chocolate Rum Balls.

At the Rec Center for adult basketball. My game play is decent tonight and my team knows how to pass, just like the Spurs are known for doing. We win some and lose some. I'd say my shot percentage is at about 70%.

Baked Breaded Cod Filets with Brussel Sprouts, Carrots, Onions, and Potatoes. Sparkling Grapefruit Izze.

Watching Cold Mountain (2003).


At the storage unit practicing songs.

Sleep 4:30 a.m.

[i] Tintype of Jude Law.

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