Tuesday March 25 2014

Grand Budapest Hotel[i]

Waking up around noon to the sound of music echoing through the vents – Josh is taking a shower.

Coffee with Coconut Creamer. Instant Mixed Berry Oatmeal with Almond Milk. Banana.


Egg Sandwich with Mayo and Tomato. Baked Salt n Vinegar Chips. Lemon Water. Icelandic Milk Chocolate.

How is it springtime when it's raining and snowing. There's no understanding this weather.

Light workout at the gym.

Carpooling to Norfolk with Darren, James, Josh, and Leisa. We conjoin with more friends for the 8:10 showing of The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) at The Naro. Sitting next to Ana enjoying the gaudy enchanting wonder world of Wes Anderson's depiction of 1930's Europe.

"You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity."

Afterwards, we all meet up at Tortilla West for tacos and drinks. There seemed to be something mysteriously wrong with Ana beforehand, like she didn't want to come to the restaurant or even come on the road trip we're planning tomorrow. But she shows up anyway and after seeing the lively faces of friends whatever was bothering her disappears.


Three Black Bean Tacos with a side of Sautéed Spinach and a bottle of Fermoa Beer.


Someone brings up the idea of transferring Facebook behavior online into live social settings. For example, when someone makes a statement of any kind, instead of other people commenting some might simply throw up their thumbs and smile as a sign of "liking" that person's post. After a few hysterical moments Darren spouts out, "Facebook seems intricate." Immediately every one of us at the table throws our thumbs up in his face. 

Back home. Packing and making Granola Bars with Ana. Upstairs we undress without taking much time to do so. She's got on these new silky floral pajama pants and her hair is braided in pigtails – so beautifully attractive. We start in an innovative sexual position face to face with me standing and holding her legs, which are linked to mine – it takes great strength and endurance on my part to keep us upright. Then moving on to the chair. It's a wonderful intimate time.

Sleep at 3:30 a.m.

[i] Grand Budapest Hotel.

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