Saturday June 22 2013

Diego Gravinese.[i]

Waking up late five minutes before I have to be at work.

Everything Bagel with Cream Cheese. Orange Juice.

All day shift at China Wok.

White Peach.

Hot as ever.

Five Guy's French Fries with Ketchup. Honey Green Tea.

The day continues, business picking up dramatically into the night.

I'm lost in burdensome thought while driving around Hilltop. Whenever there's bad blood in the air I just can't move it out of my mental landscape until it's resolved. I hate when it exists and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm just waiting for resolve on the other end.

At a stoplight. A little girl from a car next to me sees the China Wok signs on my window and yells out, "Give me some sushi!!!"

The mother immediately corrects her, "They don't have that in China!"

She corrects herself, "I want waffles!"

I just crank up the stereo and drown that noise out.

Strawberry Greek Yogurt.

Finally off work around 11 p.m.

Broccoli, Snow Peas, Onions, Carrots, and Rice in Brown Sauce.

I get inspired to clean the countertops and the stovetop in the kitchen. Ana arrives on the scene with baking supplies again. She makes chocolate cupcakes while Kevin prepares his salads for tomorrow. I take a jog around the neighborhood to rev up the blood flow and burn some calories.


Earlier Kevin asked to borrow a capful of my olive oil. I look down at the pan and see that he added butter too.

Me: "Dude! You're using olive oil AND butter? Why?"

Kevin: "What? They go together like oil and water."

Me: "They don't go together, oil and water. What a waste of intellect."


I let myself go after all that pent up aggression and take it out on Kevin, in a mostly sarcastic attitude, criticizing him about the way he washes dishes.

Later, upstairs in my bedroom...

Lounging in the computer chair while Ana leans into my chest. I let her long black hair drape over my left arm. It's like seaweed when it gets caught on the limbs of your body after surfacing from the ocean. Our desirability for each other kicks in. Ecstasy on the chair. Agony, then ecstasy. That was how my day progressed.

I lie down next to the sleeping Ana. Before I even attempt to sleep she rustles up next to me, her naked limbs attaching and interlocking to me. More ecstasy is in order. No lights this time. Seeing with our hands. Only faint images of our bodies moving in the dark.
With heavy breaths I plead, "We some point."

[i] Diego Gravinese.

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