Friday June 21 2013

the SOUL is in the KITCHEN (Wolves Den House Show)[i]

Waking up just before 2 p.m.

Blueberry Bagel with Butter and Apple Butter. Orange Juice.

Running errands.

Pad Thai Noodles.

To Norfolk. Meeting up with Anthony, Kelley, and Ana at The Naro for the 7 o'clock showing of Before Midnight (2013). I'm ten minutes late. I can't stand being late for a movie. This film is the third installment of a somewhat hyper realistic love story.

Me: "Well done, Linklater. Well done."


Afterwards, Ana and I walk down Colley Avenue. I notice a particular bounciness in her personality, as per usual with that big bashful smile on her face hiding behind her big black canvas of hair. Her keys are hanging from her bag and jingle with every step. I joke about how it reminds me of a cat with a bell collar.

Me: "That's you!"

She impersonates a cat by bobbing her head back and forth and says, "Hey I'm coming over to ya!"


We end up inside a Vietnamese restaurant for dinner. Sharing Spring Rolls and Ginger Sautéed Chicken with Rice.


Then, onward to the house show at the Wolves Den, a.k.a. Ben's house. Squeezed in the kitchen like sardines in a can, sweat stains develop on clothing, beers are chugged, and feet shuffle along the wooden floor. The line-up is Palindrome (John Flower's band), You're Jovian, Bamm Bamm, and Sink Tapes (from Jersey). With hardly an inch to spare I strap on the bass and vibrate the strings to the rock n roll tunes of Bamm Bamm. Outside people mingle and hang around on the porch. Some friendly neighborhood black dude with a blue pimped out Monte Carlo is blasting rock radio with his subwoofers mounted on the trunk. The whole scene everywhere is chaotic and comical. It's just another show that's come and gone.

the SOUL is in the KITCHEN (Wolves Den House Show)

the SOUL is in the KITCHEN (Wolves Den House Show)

the SOUL is in the KITCHEN (Wolves Den House Show)

the SOUL is in the KITCHEN (Wolves Den House Show)

the SOUL is in the KITCHEN (Wolves Den House Show)

the SOUL is in the KITCHEN (Wolves Den House Show)

the SOUL is in the KITCHEN (Wolves Den House Show)

the SOUL is in the KITCHEN (Wolves Den House Show)

Ana texts me after I get home, "I felt very comfortable with you today. That may explain the extra bounces in my movement. :)"

Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Uploading photos from the show.

Sleep 5 a.m.

[i] All image by me.

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