Saturday January 18 2020


Waking up around noon.


Bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch (Cascadian Farms version) with Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


At Music Makers doing a few afternoon lessons.


Scrambled Eggs. Sourdough Toast with Butter and Jam. Coffee.


Organizing and prepping things.


At the rehearsal spot setting up for MMLIVE, which starts tomorrow.


Then, at Abbey Road Pub for the Musicplayer gig, our second night in a row here. A new set of friends come out to see us: Ana’s mom and brothers, Elliott and friends, Megan and her parents, etc.


We always seem to impress at least one couple at the restaurant that’s never heard us before. She compliments my voice saying something like you sing that Billy Joel song better than Billy Joel. I don’t know what to say to that. I just thank her. We ended up doing an unrehearsed “Hallelujah” upon their request with Ana and Megan on the mic. We get Ryan up on the drums for “Psycho Killer” then Elliott on the drums for “Satisfaction”. Mike and Kelly show up too. It was another fun night of music with friends.



After Ana and I transport all the gear we meet up with some of the group at Rick’s Café. I don’t even remember the last time I stepped foot in here. Many late night memories here.


Back home. Finally decompressing.


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