Monday January 6 2020


At 10:34 a.m. Wanda comes to the house to wake me up. My mom passed on from this earth at 5 in the morning. Ana and I arise and take in what just happened. I knew it was gonna happen after I saw her last night. She was absolutely ready to leave this earth. I’m so glad I got the opportunity to exchange one last I love you with her before she drifted off into sleep.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, Maple Syrup, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Composing a public post on Facebook so everybody knows what happened. Of course, it’s blowing up the internet. So many people out there are concerned and giving their condolences. There are a lot of great words of encouragement.

I love the way my friend Rocky explained the situation, “Today, you lost your mother in her temporal body, but in doing so, you have gained an ancestor whose entire being, as here on earth and now in heaven, was made to love and guide you. Her physical presence is gone and is reclaimed by the earth, but her spirit is with you always, loving you, nurturing you, and guiding you into your next steps. The bond you have can never be broken because it is a bond of unconditional love. Always remember that you were her masterpiece here on earth.


Organizing ideas for the memorial service this weekend.


I found Elvis lying in mom’s recliner chair. He’s right on top of her purse as if on purpose – his way of honoring and paying his respects to her.


At Music Makers for a little while. Kay is here helping take payments and watching the front desk. I print out some flyers to invite everyone to the service and take down the Christmas decorations.


Ana got off work extra early cause she couldn’t handle being there today.


We take care of some chores. I go on a hunt to figure out my mom’s mother’s maiden name cause I need to have accurate info for mom’s death certificate. I happen across quite a few things in one of her file boxes, one including a letter drawn in crayon from when I was a kid, another of my first piano recital program, and my dad and her’s marriage certificate which has all the names and information I need.


Ana and I decide to go out for dinner so we don’t have to cook. At Old Beach Tavern eating a Crab Cake Sandwich with Fries and a Stella.


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