Friday January 10 2020


Waking up at 11:37 a.m.


Jimmy, my former stepdad, is in town. Ana and I take him to Three Ships for Biscuits and Coffee. He’ll always be family to me.


Him and I run some errands. At Virginia Beach Florist in Kempsville ordering a cradling floral arrangement to go around the urn for the service tomorrow. Then, driving over to the Cremation Society to pick up mom’s remains and the death certificates. It’s kind of strange transporting her in a different form in the backseat.


Running an errand to drop off recycle but I discover they took away the recycle dumpsters so now there’s nowhere to recycle anymore. 2020 is really bringing on the changes.


Stopping by Outback Steakhouse to say hi to Jimmy’s aunt and uncle, Ann and Karl.


At Music Makers we rehearse with a select few students to help sing a few songs at mom’s service tomorrow. It’s kind of fun. Ana and her friend Erica are here also helping sing. Meanwhile, Jimmy and dad sit nearby.


Afterwards, we grab some dinner at Pho 79, just Ana, Erica, dad, and I. Trying out Fried Quail with Vegetable Pad Thai Noodles.


Back home. Ana and Erica bake up a storm in the kitchen. Kenny comes over, Erica’s recently acquired boy friend and also friend of mine through Elliott. Him and I hang in the living room and share stories of our moms. I never knew his mom also battled cancer and died this past year.


Later on, I sort through baskets and drawers in my mom’s room throwing away some things and putting some in a donation bag. I always come across little notes that my mom wrote. It feels like she’s still here.



Settling down in the bed with Ana.

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