Waking up just before 11 a.m. Ana and I take my car to Lee Papa's to repair a few things from my accident months ago.
Irish Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Maca Powder, Maple Syrup, Blueberries, and Kefir. Yerba Mate Tea.
Organizing. Ana takes me to my monthly chiro visit. While in the waiting room Ana sees a picture of a wolf and a vulture in National Geographic. We associate this picture with her affections towards chocolate...
Grilled PB&J. Fuji Apple. Potato Chips. Banana. Oolong Tea.
Watching Black Mass (2015).
Teaching lessons at Music Makers.
Back home.
Mahi-mahi Filets with Beans, Orange Cauliflower, Zucchini, Onions, and Brown Rice.
At the music space for The Wall rehearsal with DEJA. Things are really coming together every cycle we take through the movie.
Back home. Enjoying some of Ana's homemade Blueberry Banana Muffins.
In her room we have a serious discussion on her feelings about our relationship. She's going through the time of the month where she has doubts about us clicking, which doesn't make sense to me cause we get along. Sometimes we have communication problems but we generally don't hate each other – if anything, we love each other.
Sleep 3:30 a.m.
[i] Image by me.
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