Thursday September 18 2014

Hoop Nights (September 18 2014)[i]

Waking up at 11 a.m.

Ana cooks us Peach and Banana Pancakes with Coffee.

Ana: "I had so much water yesterday, Robert."

Me: "Why did you just add my name at the end of that?"

Ana: "I can add your name to my sentences if I want you."

I'll Take You There (September 18 2014)

She takes me to get an oil change for my car and then we visit Whole Foods for a few things.

Scrambled Eggs. English Muffin. Cucumber Salad. Honey Green Tea.

A full schedule at Music Makers teaching kids.

Emmy's Song about Jack and Uni-Kitties (September 18 2014)

Raw Energy Protein Shake with a Banana.

At The Escape working out. Then on the basketball courts shooting hoops.

Thai Chicken Pizza with Mixed Vegetables. Almond Pillow Cookies.

Watching Deadly Code (2013).

Organizing. Chores.

Ana sends me a goodnight voice message...

Sleep 3:30 a.m.

[i] Images by me.

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