At 10 a.m. I’m awoken by James reading cheesy jokes aloud as he scrolls through his phone. The cats roam about in our room vying for attention.
Wide-eyed and bushy tailed in downtown Blacksburg. James,
Leslie, Becca, and I walk over to Gillie’s for a fine breakfast consisting of a
short stack of Silver Dollar Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Cinnamon Broiled
Grapefruit, and Cranberry Juice. The waiter hands us the check. The first item
befuddles all of us as it literally says, “$ BUTT”.

But we soon figure out its short for silver dollar
buttermilk pancakes. This becomes an ongoing joke throughout the day.

Back at Becca’s apartment prepping for the hiking trip in
store – packing snacks.
Commenting on Becca’s behavior Leslie says, “She’s always
ten thoughts ahead of us. Its like stealth ADD.”
On the drive to a hiking trail Becca knows about.
“Give us some mountain music!”
Johnny Cash serenading us on the stereo.
Leslie mentions something about having lived next to water
her whole life and how important that is for her. Ocean represents vitality.
It’s about a mile hike to Cascades Falls. We follow a
babbling brook through a lush serene path full of a variety of rocks, big and
small. It’s refreshing to the soul, this environment and natural clean
atmosphere. After being distracting by several picturesque spots we finally
arrive at Cascades Falls. Snowflakes begin falling like tiny feathers on our
Lentil Sandwich with Tomato. Sweet & Spicy Pecans.
Pretzels. Water.
We take the high trail back down to the parking lot, a much
easier narrower path. James and I march in the lead singing mountain-themed
songs and old songs like “Big Rock Candy Mountain” and “Father Abraham”.
James has been officially dubbed The Snack Monster.
We scoop up Becca’s friend Tim and head to the salon in
Christiansburg where she works. She gives me a haircut while everyone else
waits. James wakes up from a nap and is excited about a dream he just had
involving an oversized ice cream cone he filled up with ice cream but it
dropped and he never got to taste it.
After that we head to Radford to meet up with Devon at River
City Grille.
Alfredo Linguine with Broccoli, Tomatoes, and Dinner Rolls.
The cold brisk air outside is barely unbearable, especially
to Leslie. She’s stated how sensitive she is to cold weather.
A few games of pool at a bar across the street. A stranger
challenges me in a game and teaches me a few tricks and tips on handling a pool
An Oatmeal Cookie at a shop called Crumb & Get It.
Back in our cozy little crooked room settling down. Putting
on Me and You and Everyone We Know (2005) to lull us to sleep.
[i] All photos
by me or Becca.
[ii] Mr. Money
Butts. Drawing by James.
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