Saturday February 23 2013

Alarm goes off at 11 a.m.

Orange Juice. Sweet & Spicy Pecans.

All day shift at China Wok.

Five Guys French Fries with Ketchup. Honey Green Tea.

It’s a rainy day at China Wok, not so cold, but still dreary.

Delivering an order off Mill Dam Road. A mom answers the door with her son wailing on a trumpet in the background. The boy messes up a little, grins and says, “Heh-heh. That sounded like a fart.” Then he continues to blow into it in the same fashion getting a kick out of the flatulence sounds.

The day continues steadily – making decent tips but nothing to boast about.

While listening to Björk on the stereo I notice a strange new feeling of apathy about things. As I go through the motions of driving on the job and the motions of my thoughts I take on an attitude of whatever. Like, I just don’t care about anything. Being unaffected. I’m not sure how this was sparked. But I feel it today more than ever. Maybe I’m just exhausted with the world, exhausted with people. “The routine malaise.”

It’s about 10:30 p.m. and I’m cashing out at the restaurant. The phone rings of course. And I’m obligated to deliver this. Not only is this order hella far, out on 80th Street, but the bastards didn’t even tip me. There goes 30 minutes of my night and gas wasted. I’m tempted to call the customer back and scold them, or at least shed light onto my disappointment in a professional way. But I don’t. Whatever. I’ll stick to apathy

Back home.

Hot and Sour Soup with Broccoli and Rice.

Watching Employee of the Month (2004).

Sleep 3:30 a.m.

[i] Dr. Manhattan. From the comic.

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