Wednesday August 17 2011

DREAM: I went to the gym to play some basketball. I brought my own basketball, which is a little soft but pumped up with plenty of air. Shooting around with whomever else—using the other balls provided by the gym, which are exceptionally bigger than mine. Some time has passed. I discover my ball has been wrapped up in a clear plastic bag half full with nasty brown juice from the trash or something. I’m disgusted by it and confused as to why this happened.

Waking up just after 1 p.m.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

There’s countless cans of PBR in the recycle bin, overflowing into black baskets—remnants of the night before…cleaning up.

Google work.

Lunch: Egg Sandwich with Mayonnaise and Tomato. Salt n Vinegar Chips. Pomegranate Cherry Ade.

At Rachel’s place—everything is packed and ready to go—helping her dad move a big couch and dresser into a U-Haul. Catching kisses with Kino…

White Peach. Strawberry Yogurt. More Pomegranate Cherry Ade.

Nostrum film shoot at a convenient store off North Hampton…

Chocolate-filled Pandas Cookies and a quick stop at McDonalds for a Fish Filet Sandwich and Fries (guh).

Shooting in an apartment off Bonney Road—thoroughly impressed with the eclectic décor surrounding us—the scene being shot in a small room reminiscent of Spencer’s, complete with handcrafted art projects—glamorous mannequins—collectibles and gag novelties.

Back home, we’ve got 5 couch surfers staying for a few nights—two from Hungary, two from Poland, and one from England.

Eating a Carrot.

Sharing Popcorn with people downstairs—tossing pieces into each other’s mouths…

Sharing a pint and half of Belgian Pêche Lambic Beer with Kelly Suddeth while she finishes the Blankets book. My fingers smell like they’ve been plucking guitar strings…feeling loose and ready for bed…

Sleep sometime after 4 a.m.

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