Saturday October 15 2022


Wow. What an overnight drive that was! We arrive at some hole in the wall truck stop in Ohio for a while ordering food at the diner. Luckily, the trailer hitch survived and nothing went amiss. Trying to sleep in the moving bus though is near impossible. You’d have better luck sleeping on a galloping horse.


I climb up on the top bunk and try to sleep until we arrive at the venue.


We arrive at the Murphy Theatre in Wilmington, Ohio around 11 a.m. Doing an early load-in so we can get it all done and check into the hotel.


Snacking on some things downstairs in the dressing room.


Back at the hotel we get checked in with time enough to take a shower but definitely not a nap.


What a beautiful theater they have here – gold painted balconies and an overall cool opera house design. After a successful sound check they serve a hearty dinner downstairs of Chicken, Veggie Pasta, Mashed Potatoes, and Rolls.



The show goes smoothly with no issues whatsoever. Jimmy A. fills in on bass with the absence of Jimmy Wiseman. He didn’t have much time to learn the parts on such short notice but we still made it through. Afterwards, we do a meet and greet out by the merch taking pictures and selling lots of shirts!


Packing up the stage and loading out.


Back at the hotel this guy that’s working security whom we lovingly know as “Fuzzy” allows us to use the pool after hours. It’s heated too. I warm up some green tea and provide gummies for everyone. Getting into some deep discussions with Brittany and Jimmy on how similar people look to one another and the psychology of religion/history.



Settling back into the room. I edit the video for the day then settle in under the covers


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