Saturday December 12 2020

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. Irish Breakfast Tea.


Teaching a few afternoon lessons at Music Makers.


The weather is nice once again!


Sardines with Kale, Pickled Onions/Cabbage, and Mustard. Toast with Butter and Jam. Coffee.

Watching AVA (2020).


Taking care of chores – vacuuming, etc.


Catching up on business.


After Ana gets off work we buy a new baking sheet and Spindrift from Target. Then, picking up a pizza from Pizza Chapel for dinner. Watching the last half of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975).


After cleaning up, Ana and I run late night errands – dropping off recycle – at the studio printing out Christmas cards we designed. She drew it out on paper and I digitized it.


There’s a major accident right out in front of Chanticleer. They won’t even let us pass until the tow trucks clear.


Later on, when settling down for bed we get into an intense talk about how important space is between us sometimes and not putting guilt trips on one another.


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