Sunday December 8 2019

Waking up at 11:30 a.m.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Strawberries, Maple Syrup, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Catching up on business and chores.


Picking up mom from the hospital. They’re discharging her with some good pain meds and things are much, much better in her world. It’s complicated trying to manage all the meds and schedules and overall taking care of her. But she’s staying strong and it’s good to have her back at the house.

"I'm coming up," she says softly as we drive away from the hospital. "God I give you praise."


Scrambled Eggs. Toast with Butter and Jam. Salt n Vinegar Chips. Coffee.

Watching Ad Astra (2019).


Running errands – grabbing groceries – and trying to pick up mom’s prescriptions but I had no idea the pharmacy closed on Sundays at 6! So I failed in getting some things she really needed. It’s so frustrating when you try to stay on top of things but can’t. I have a few stressful moments back home.


Warming up some leftover Vegetable Soup for dinner.


Working on more things at the studio. Replacing a fuse in my car.



Sleep next to Ana at 3:45 a.m.

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