Friday May 18 2018


Waking up at 10:30 a.m.

Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Strawberries, Maple Syrup, and Almond Milk. Irish Breakfast Tea.

At the Rec with Ana. While watching me run the last basketball game she notes, “It’s always so intense on the last one.” The player’s competitiveness really heats up cause everyone wants to end on a victorious note.

Scrambled Eggs. Popped Chips. Toast with Butter and Jam. Coffee.

Watching Beyond Skyline (2017).

Teaching my in-home lessons.

Brown Rice Quinoa Spaghetti Noodles with Mushrooms, Onions, Sauce, and Naan Bread.

Catching up on research and business.


Pineapple, Grapes, and Yogurt.

Sleep 4 a.m.

[i] Image by me.

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