Tuesday May 17 2016

Ana and Elvis (May 17 2016) (flash)[i]

Waking up at 11 a.m.

Steel Cut Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Maple Syrup, Raisins, and Kefir. Yerba Mate Tea.

Organizing. Chores. Doing stuff at the music space.

Navel Orange. Grilled PB&J. Fuji Apple. Potato Lentil Curls. Oolong Tea.

Teaching lessons at Music Makers.

Dried Mango.

At the Rec playing a game of basketball then shooting around until I can't stand it anymore.

Back home. Putting together a mish-mash meal of Beans, Quinoa, Spinach, and leftovers for dinner.

Pineapple Juice.

At the music space cleaning and organizing. Finished going through all my granddad's old music gear, most of it over 60 years old and amps still turn on and speakers work beautifully.

Granddad Markham's Old Music Gear (May 17 2016)

50's Microphones from Granddad Markham (May 17 2016) (1)

50's Microphones from Granddad Markham (May 17 2016) (2)

Back home.

Chilling with Elvis and Ana for a little bit.

Ana and Elvis (May 17 2016) (B&W)

Sleep 4 a.m.

[i] Images by me.

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