Waking up at 11:09 a.m. There's a thin layer of snow on the ground. First snow of the season.
Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Maca Powder, Maple Syrup, Chia Seeds, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. Coffee with Coconut Creamer.
Reading an interesting article about how multitasking is harmful to brain.
"Just having the opportunity to multitask is detrimental to cognitive performance. Glenn Wilson, former visiting professor of psychology at Gresham College, London, calls it info-mania. His research found that being in a situation where you are trying to concentrate on a task, and an email is sitting unread in your inbox, can reduce your effective IQ by 10 points. And although people ascribe many benefits to marijuana, including enhanced creativity and reduced pain and stress, it is well documented that its chief ingredient, cannabinol, activates dedicated cannabinol receptors in the brain and interferes profoundly with memory and with our ability to concentrate on several things at once. Wilson showed that the cognitive losses from multitasking are even greater than the cognitive losses from pot-smoking."
Grocery shopping at the Asian market and Trader Joe's.
Light workout in the living room.
Scrambled Eggs. PB&J Oat and Almond Biscuits. Tomatoes. Green Pea Snacks. Oolong Tea.
Teaching lessons at Music Makers.
At the Rec for adult basketball. It feels good to burn the cardio.
Back home. Ana cooks a pot of Sprouted Mung Beans. I cook a Bamboo/Jasmine Rice mix, Snow Pea Leaves, and Shitake Mushrooms to go with. Setting up the wooden card table in the living room and putting on The Guest (2014). I've already seen this movie but I thought she'd appreciate the style of the film. I pause the movie somewhere midway through and bring down a tub of Greek Yogurt to mix in with a Navel Orange. Ana gets all weird about eating chocolate – goes and grabs a bag of chocolate chips from her pantry even though I offered her some of my dark chocolate.
While I'm doing the dishes Kevin hobbles in after a night of drinking but he doesn't appear belligerent drunk, just enough to spill some ice cubes on the floor while filling up his traditional glass of water. Yesterday was his first day at his new Haynes job – he seems to be liking it...for now. Upstairs, in the hallway Kevin tries to impose himself into my room. I playfully use the stool to shield myself and shoo him away. No matter what I try it never works. Then he attempts to de-pants me only to realize I'm not wearing any underwear. He runs off in disgust. Mission accomplished.
Discovering Ana managed to get a huge smudge of chocolate right in between her breasts.
Me: "How in the world did that happen?"
Ana: "I don't know!"
Embarrassed she smiles real big.
Me: "I can lick that off for you if you want."
Lounging in her bed we do a little bumpin' and grindin'.
Settling down in my room. Rehearsing some You're Jovian bass lines then I'm off to sleep at 3 a.m.
[i] Image by me.
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