Waking up at 11:21 a.m. just a little bit late for work.
Plums. Vanilla Almond Granola Bar. Orange Juice.
All day shift at China Wok.
The sky cracks open with a torrential rainfall. It’s funny
how as soon as this happens the sound of sirens picks up in the air. The demand
for assistance increases when the weather is bad.
Scrambled Eggs. Five Guys French Fries. Honey Oolong Tea.
As I pull up into the Hilltop plaza a string of
lightening flashes – KA-POW! – it seems to strike all corners of the city. I yell
to myself in the car, “That was so awesome!”
It’s non-stop deliveries. Today is redemption day – the tips
are high and so are my spirits. I’m grateful for the rain as it usually makes
for a more profitable day.
Coconut Water.
Delivering an order on 51st street. At comical
coincidental timing a pizza deliveryman has arrived along with me. We both make
our exchanges at the front door. Two teenage sisters, one with a craving for
Chinese and another for pizza – all of us involved with smiles on our faces.
Me: “Oh this happens all the time.”
Girl: “Does it really?”
Me: “Oh yeah.”
The father, unaware that his daughters even placed a takeout
order, comments, “I can’t believe this is happening.”
Off work and back home.
Shrimp with Broccoli, Snow Peas, Onions, Green Peppers, and
Rice in Garlic Sauce. Mission St. Blonde Ale.
Fortune cookie says, “Good work, good life, good love,
good-bye oppression.”
Margot calls me up. We’re both just getting off work. She
simply wants company. At her place watching the last half of Puss in Boots
(2011) on the couch.
She playfully announces, “No one’s texted me today...I’m
really sad.”
I keep repeating this question to her, what do you want
from me? and she doesn’t like it when I ask it. It’s not such a big deal.
Maybe she’s trying to stay in touch so she can be okay with the distance we
managed to develop these past few months, like maintain a friendship. I know
she’s at an emotional homeostasis...nothing is consuming her, and of course
it’s the same for me. A calm state of affairs this is. I leave her after about
an hour.
Back home.
Watching Christopher Titus comedy on Youtube.
Sleep at 3:30 a.m.
[i] Charlie
Brown strip.
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